April 8, 2012
April 8, 2012 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 8
Topics Created On April 8, 2012
- Libra Rising, Virgo Sun, Virgo Moon - PLS help
Here's my chart: Rising: 10 degrees Libra Sun: 10 degrees Virgo Moon: 21 degrees Virgo Mercury: 22 degrees Leo Ve
- When Libra's Past Comes back to haunt them
Well my libra broke his leg in 3 places while on a camping trip with his brothers and dad. He has had surgery and etc th
- Feedback please?
So reading a few things here had me curious what some here would think about this guy. Overall, I've written him off at
- For you Scorp
I want to break your heart and give you mine. You're taking me over.
- Black Zodiac: All the horrors of the Zodiac Signs
Ours is perfect - ha! Horrors of Leo: Watch out! Expect no praise, you who are so self-centered and so full of you
- Black Zodiac: Horrors of the Zodiac, Scorp edition
Thought I'd share this with my stinger'ed friends ;) I posted the Leo one in the Leo forum and thought you Scorpions may
- Leo Loves Scorpio; What to do?
I want to break your heart and give you mine. You're taking me over. I've never been in a relationship like this
- Hardest sign to read?
As I'm sure many of you are aware, Pisces are very in tune with others emotions, and can pick up on moods, feelings, and
- Gemini vs. Pisces, FML.....
uhh... im in great dilemma, just what the hell, the moment i give up on the Gemini and start liking this gorgeous Pisces
- Gemini vs. Pisces, FML.....
okay all go here this topic is in Aries forum since it's about your kind give me a good advice http://www.dxpnet.com
- Gemini vs. Pisces females for Aries Male
I need to know which one I should go for, please help me decide http://www.dxpnet.com/opinion/aries/Gemini-vs-Pisces-
- How to Stop Others ~Misunderstanding~ ???
As Sag, we are usually friendly & warm-hearted to people. The problem is when I just try to be nice to others as friend