April 17, 2012
April 17, 2012 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 17
Topics Created On April 17, 2012
- Help me compare/interperate our charts
I did the compatibility charts of the Gem girl and Me, and of Her and her Ex bf/bf who she more and more often gets into
- Help me compare/interperate our charts *fixed*
I did the compatibility charts of the Gem girl and Me, and of Her and her Ex bf/bf who she more and more often gets into
- Cancer in Scorpio:)
Any help with compatibility would be appreciated! Me Sun Cancer Ascendant Libra Mars Virgo Venus Virgo Moon Lib
- Emotions, Intense What am I missing?
People that know me well, say I am not emotional. What does that mean??? I cry, I get angry, I get sad, and I am moody
- Cancer Women & Aquarius women as friends
I am an Aquarius woman and I have an aversion to Cancer women. We hit it off as friends and then they start to wear on
- I missed my sag
I have been in a melancholy mood lately. I really missed this man. The fact that we work 5 minutes apart doesnt help at
- What your action while you are thinking, ponder?
What your usual action while you are Thinking , Biting your pen / pencil Head cork side way Fingering with your pen ,
- Womens T-shirt's
What do woman look for in t-shirts? Reason for me asking is I help my buddy out with his t-shirt line and plenty of w
- What makes you feel special?
What makes a scorpio feel special? I love my scorpio to death and I want to make him feel like a king. (:
- How do you tell a Virgo you're disappointed?
So, there's a Virgo in my life who I've recently become more attractive to. I don't see him much, maybe once, twice a we
- Asking Aqua BF of 9 Mos. to Move Out of State w Me
I have been with my boyfriend for 9 months and it's all been great. We met online, have had our issues, but have stayed
- Aqua Woman Cap Male Second Chances???
Ok, I met a Cap male through a mutual friend 5 years ago. we are actually both from the same town but ran in different c
- like notoriety much leos?
my leo boss....hmmmm...how can i describe him....he's in his 50s, a cockney jew (so really out there vulgar), he had a g
- getting my Sag girl back?
Curious if this is even possible being she's a Sag. I'm a Virgo, but not the typical. Not controlling. I let her have in
Who wins the Game? Damn..... I think I'm in love with this new scorp. But... hes online.offline.online.offline. DAM
- Rude Ass Libra!
i grilled some steaks, baked potatoes and veggies for dinner today. my first time using libra's precious grill...woot wo
- Aqua Men: What style of dress is sexy on a woman?
Just curious. Wondering what you want your woman to dress like on a date? One you would take seriously anyway....
- Virgo Men: Style of dress do you like on women?
Just curious. How do you like a woman to dress? I want to know the difference what you are attracted to on a woman you d
- Prrrr.
Hai. Ahhhhh such a curly Q.
- Cap Women: Are you accused of dressing too modest?
I have been accused of not dressing sexy enough by a friend who was giving me a hard time just for fun. I don't dress li
- Virgo/Libra Cusp Male+Sag Fem. Help me understand?
To start off me have been on and off buddies for months, I approached him and gave my number I got tired of waiting. We
- Gone with the Wind
'My birth sign is Scorpio and they eat themselves up and burn themselves out. I swing between happiness and misery. I am
- Caps are sexual? Your thoughts?
Read in an astrology book today that animal signs are more overtly sexual than any other signs. What are your thoughts?
- Are Sags more sexual? your thought?
Read today in an astrology book that animal signs are more overtly sexual than any other. Your thoughts on this?
- Are Virgos more sexual? Your thought?
Read today in an astrology book that animal signs (the human virgin counts) are more overtly sexual than any other. Your
- Leos more sexual? Your thoughts?
Read today in an astrology book that animal signs are more overtly sexual than any other. Your thoughts on this?
- Are Taurus more sexual? Your thoughts?
Read today in an astrology book that animal signs are more overtly sexual than any other. Your thoughts on this?
- LEO Men
I'm seeing this leo guy who is very busy due to his job. He has some un-business issues that he needs to complete; such
- Addiction
I'm posting this here because I feel like Elle would point out 'it's your Scorpion moon, dear'. I grew up with an addict
- First Love