April 27, 2012
April 27, 2012 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 27
Topics Created On April 27, 2012
- Novena to St. Claire - pray and believe
Say before a lighted candle for 9 days and publish on the 9th. Each day say 9 Hail Marys and ask for 3 favours -1 bus
- Decisions
Taking refuge behind the wings of a saint,stained by the blood of a sinner,Who knew all these trials would only lead me
- Why are aries men so hated?
I realize when people talk about signs they like, they never bring up aries. But when people talk about signs they h
- Eyecandy in my classroom!
I have a fine looking Taurus man as a student in my class, I usually don't get eyecandy - it makes my day feel better ha
- Novena to our dear St. Jude
St. Jude has been given by God the priviledge of hearing us and helping us in our most desperate hours. Of course, in Go
- Sun and Mercury in Libra with .....
Moon, Mars, and Venus in Scorpio. How is this different from being born on the Libra/Scorpio cusp? HAGW! LS67 xo
- Cancers and Unwanted Attention
i just wanted to say that I'm sorry cancepio deleted his account. :( Interesting Crab with some interesting thoughts.
- Taurus anger is terrible, how to reconcile?
I am a scorpio guy who in a start relationship with a taurus girl, few days ago a VERY SMALL nonsense issue happened bet
- I fell in love with an Aries Man...
Me - Leo Sun, Capricorn Moon, F HIm - Aries Sun, Taurus Moon, M We met a few months ago. Things started off so quick
- What to do?? Gem lady leo man
Sooooo.... from the beginning... we met in Dec when I went down to Miami at my cousins house.. ever since then we have b
- Can anyone elaborate/clarify/explain this one?
Terms of Virgo ??? @VirgoTerms Reply Retweet Favorite ?_ Open #Virgo like a partner to stir their emotions because t
- baggagereclaim.co.uk.....
......has to be the biggest pile of shit i have EVER encountered. seriously...it should carry an emotional health warni
- Help! Taurus Man/ Taurus Woman -What does he want?
Ok, I've been dealing with this Taurus guy for a long time...Long story short he said he didn't want a relationship but
- Do Cancers like smoking pot?
I as a Cancer have tried it many times but it make me paranoid and I feel like I am not in control of the situation at a