April 18, 2012
April 18, 2012 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 18
Topics Created On April 18, 2012
- The Ex Factor
I am finally in a stable spot with my Pisces guy and my ex Scorpio returns to my life via work with a vengeance! Now I
- Perfect Planet/Sign Placement
Sun - Leo Moon - Cancer Mercury - Virgo or Gemini Venus - Libra or Taurus Mars - Aries or Scorpio Jupiter - Sagitta
- The Dating Persona Test
Take the test HERE & Post your results! :P -------------------------- Sweet. Dear. Loving. At Gate 18. Final c
- Is this guy trying to be cool?
So my crush and I did not see each other for 2 whole weeks yet we do keep in touch via text (the usual). But when the sc
- ARoarLikeThunder's Girlfriend Application
The following is an official application for the position of ARoarLikeThunder's girlfriend. Failure to complete the ent
- Missed your calling?
i was having a conversation with my girls and i told them that i feel like i missed my calling. like i shoulda been on a
- Tea Leaf Reading
Hello. We have recently launched a tea leaf reading app on Facebook. It can be accessed at http://apps.facebook.com/teal
- A little poetry.-
Just a short poem I??ve been working on this week. RADIANCE OF RUIN I know pains?? intimate details, the very s
- Pisces Men i Love you:
Hi Pisces, Plz tell me what to do to have you forever. i am in a relationship with this Pisces man, he is 29 and i am 27
- first topic
first message Wednesday, 18 April 11:41:37 a.m (GMT - 5:00)
- Gem/Cap. Am I bugging him?
Hello :) I'm a Capricorn looking for some insights. Me and this Gemini man have been close friends for a decade but
- Three day miracle prayer to the Holy Spirit
Pray this beautiful prayer to the Holy Spirit for all your needs. He will come to you! Miracles are all around us! Holy
- Can This Work?
Her Zodiac in degrees 0.00 Sun Aries 27.37 Ascendant Cancer 9.20 Moon Virgo 19.54 Mercury Taurus 11.32 V
- three day miracle prayer to Our Lady
Pray this to Our Lady, Who loves and cares for you so much. Ask Her for Her intercession and help, and she will be there
- Chart Interpretation Request Without--
--being apologetic about it:) So would anyone interpret my chart ? Please and Thank you Zodiac in degrees 0.00
- Can This Work?
Her Zodiac in degrees 0.00 Sun Aries 27.37 Ascendant Cancer 9.20 Moon Virgo 19.54 Mercury Taurus 11.32 Venus T
- Virguy + Arigirl = Love at first sight?
So this AriGirl is throwing herself at me, and in typical Virgo fashion I'm obliging but probably going at a pace that i
- Taurus man interested or filling time?
Hi all, I recently was contacted by a taurus man i used to date briefly (but we had major argument and didn't speak f
- Controversy & Scandal
Anything you'd like you share. Sags are known for a fair amount of Controversy and scandal....
- Fuck Yeah Kittens
- How do you paste pictures in here?
- Charts: Leo/Scorp Male + Cancer/Libra Female.
A friend of mine is dating a Leo she dated 12 years ago. He's matured enough as a Leo from experience to be more 'settle
- Cancer's and the L word
ok, my favorite sign, needing feedback... do you just throw the words i love you around? Somehow, i highly doubt you d
- Some insight into the Taurus man
Hopefully someone can offer some insight, as I'm a little confused. My only experience with a Taurus male prior to this
- Interested in Aries guy
Didn't think it was possible, but I'm now interested in an aries guy. For those who don't know I am a sag and love the f