April 5, 2012
April 5, 2012 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 5.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 5
Topics Created On April 5, 2012
- St.Jude novena
St. Jude's Novena May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be Adored, Glorified, Loved & Preserved through-out the world, now
- Help a Cancer draw attention of a Virgo girl :)
Hi there ya all! I'll try to be short ... There was this girl that worked at a pub downtown, as waitress. Been th
- TheKnowing
People cant hear me. Or they dont believe me. Or they truely dont care. What im talking about is the fact that I truely
- Mercury in Pisces-3 second rule
I was just sitting with my pisces housemate and we were talking about the Kurt Cobain conspiracy. As usual, the conversa
- Help a Cancer draw attention of a Virgo girl :)
Hi there ya all! There was this girl that worked at a pub downtown, as waitress. Been there few times. Made eye conta
- Help with an Aries woman
Okay here's the deal, basically Ive been seeing this Aries girl recently and I'm gay but she is just at the stage of exp
- so, how can I make an Aquarius extremely mad? LOL
this Aquaguy who's pestering mo won't ever stop (I have a thread before asking wtf is wrong with them) Now, this Aquaguy
- who you got ?
Rashard Evans vs Bones Jones......All around fighter and grappler(Evans) Fantastic tall long range striker(Jones),they
- Cancer-Leo - Battle of wills - Any wisdom?
So, I have been with my Cancer boy for about 6 months now. We sorta broke up in the middle, right after we started going
- Venus in Taurus
Hi Taurus people! Just wondering if anyone has any knowledge on Venus in Taurus or if any of you superb creatures ha
- Do aquarius appear to be stalkers??
Okay...I've been talking to this aquarius for four months...out of no where he disappears I've done nothing wrong....ppl
- My birthday
hey my arien brothers and sisters todays my birthday and i was wondering are the eny other aries born today or tomorrow
- Cancer and Scorpio
Hello water fellas, I'm a Cancer woman with Mars and Pluto in Scorpio. I've always liked Scorpios for their intensity