April 12, 2012
April 12, 2012 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 12
Topics Created On April 12, 2012
- My story
I am a guy, and I like this Taurus guy who I suspects likes men. Moreover, I think he likes me, too. A few month ago
- Entranced by a virgo woman...
So I need some advice, I'm absolutely fascinated by and majorly attracted to a virgo woman... I'm a Gemini with an Ar
- Need insight on Cancer male
Could someone please tell me if it is common for a cancer male to go from hot one day to cold the next? How do I deal/ h
- virgo woman and Virgo man woes - need help
Hi I am a Virgo woman who has been dating a Virgo man for the last 2 ?_ years and we are now in a serious spot of troubl
Hi everybody... Im from the continent of africa for those who dont know. Africa is known for many different things, p
- denial
i've done a thread on this before cos i think it's a scorp speciality. this time, i want to know if you tend to bury yo
- Can someone please look at this synastry for me?
Cancer Male + Scorpio Female. Scorpio Female: Sun position is Scorpio Moon position is Cancer Mercury position is
- Powerful miracle novena!
pray this beautiful novena to Our Lady for three days. (Say it three times, finish with 9 Hail Mary's)promise to publish
- Composites Help.. Venus Square Saturn? Doom?
Can anyone tell me if this is usually a doom in a relationship? Venus Square Saturn.. Here is my composite chart with
- Venus Retrograde
Venus in retrograde motion is supposed to mean that our love lives enter a fated period where we may relive past life ex
- Advice on keeping my Cancer male interested
What should I do to keep him interested and want to keep coming back for more...also whats up with all the mood swings??
Okay so I've recently rekindled with my ex-boyfriend from college. He just recently got out of a long term relationship
- Do other Virguys have this problem?
According to what I have read it seems to me as though I have the typical Virguy problem with regard to approaching wo
- Scorpio Scorpio mess
Hi everyone, thanks for the informative threads on the forum. It's helped me a lot. I am new to this place. Came across
- What is your favorite song?
My favorite song is Sade's By Your Side. What is yours?
- how's this for a typical leo party invite :D
BBQ Vodka Pool Party aka House Warming aka 5 de Mayo aka Welcome to summer Party. You're cordially invited to come an
- Male Revue
So im going to my first show ever and im pretty blah about it. I didnt pay for my ticket, so i will go. Something about
- Is it me or are...
Aries and Pisces chicks fucking NUTS?!!!!!!! Like seriously, my moms and Aries and so are few of my girlfriends and t
- An ex gf of mine
I haven't made a post in months, haven't had anything to talk about. until now. there was this girl about 5 years back w
- You turn my floppy disk into a hard drive.
Lame pickup lines! Share your worst (err.. best). I'll start with a couple: Look at you with all those curves and
- Decoding This Scorpio Man's Behavior
I'm a Cancer female, who was dealing with a Scorpio male. It's been cut off, but I just am able to confirm that. I don't
- Pisces fixation
I was just curious to know why so many pisces men seem to obsess over one woman in their life? I have known several pisc
- ^^ Predict ^^ Needed
Just met this guy online...and he asked me to go out...but I haven't responded yet... dear fellows, could you tell me
- Confusing little fish
I've been really good friends with this Pisces man for around 7 months. When we first met, I was married. We liked each
- Surrounded by Sags?
Is it just me or have any of you experienced this as well? Sags tend to love me, both females and males. It is as if I c
- Insight Men please
So as a friend, when one of your close mates finds a new lady...how do you feel all of a sudden when he doesn't have as
- Having kids
So my cousin just had a baby... I'm terrified. I'm terrified of having kids. I can't imagine myself having a baby. I