April 24, 2012
April 24, 2012 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 6.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 24
Topics Created On April 24, 2012
- Is there a possibility of friendship?
...of a particular scorpio that is. I met him through a friend. One of his friends wanted to meet me and so he sugges
- Which zodiac sign has suicidal tendencies???
I am a Virgo and I think about doing suicide often. And its not just saying ???I wish to die??? kind a thing. Its like
- Jupiter in Gemini, is that bad?
Is that true that people who have 'Jupiter in Gemini', tend to be fickle in their career? and its hard to pin them down
- Mixed reviews about Caps and Cancers?
Hello everyone :) This is my very first post. I will keep it simple. I realize that Caps and Cancers are at the polar op
- Gemini Stellium
Any idea what kind of personality someone would have with the following: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars in Gemini
- On a break with my Scorp bf... Need advice pls!
Hey guys... My Bf: Sun/Mercury/Venus/Mars/Uranus in Scorpio. Rising/Neptune in Sag. Moon/Saturn in Virgo. Plut
- I think im done dating 2's
I was having a conversation with some people and a girl(cancer) said that girls date their fathers. i said that i actual
- I sent the Gem a love song, by accident LMFAO
we were texting at night and i was studying and heard this amazing song on pandora, didnt really listen into lyrics much
- Sagis. Relationship. Drama (?)
Hey Sags,, What would you say was your best or/and your best or most successful relationship (what was their sign)
- Saturn & Uranus Can Be a B*tch!!!!
Hello Everyone, This has been the first time in a long time that I've ever created a post on this site. I'v
- Best Match for Scorpios
I saw this topic on another message board and wanted to see what would be considered the best match for Scorpio based on
- Much older Male Leo With younger Gemini Lady.
Hello all I thought this would be an excellent place to drop this question. I have a dear friend in his later ye
- The Lonely Aqua
I read somewhere that Aquas are actually very lonely because of how they think even though they attract people to them,
Capricorn Woman And Aquarius Male, is this OIL and WATER? Who's had experience with this match up? I was once best fri
- More Male Insight, Please
A male friend and I were talking about how to handle it when a man that you are no longer interested in (i.e. you've bee
- New Job
Soooo,Im back :).. I was bored doing my normal routine and started doing the Sex-Toy parties as a side job, after my
- BC
When did birth control = I can cum inside you without a condom on? I notice a lot of ppl think this way! wth
- interp if anyone will please
Sun Libra 8.27 Ascendant Libra 4.33 Moon Capricorn 2.56
We do this on an on going basis. I am sitting here now thinking about all the relationships I could have kept together w
- Natal Chart
Does anyone know how to read the natal charts? I am a beginner and it is very confusing. If you do will you please loo
- manbags and manscaping...
in continental europe, men use cute little bags on a shoulder strap, which we call 'manbags'. they also shave EVERYTHIN
- Scorpio and Caps friendship
I have never been in a friendship with a scorpio man before this man. I have never really been into signs, so this is
- aquarius ladies i need your helpss
Im a scorp male, n my ex is an aquarius. Weve been in a relationship for 3 yrs. Think she was more serious than i wa
- Aqua Sun/Cap Venus/Pisces Mars
Can anyone predict how this person would be in a relationship? I'm thinking a good mix, but I'm new at this. Thanks.