April 6, 2012
April 6, 2012 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 6.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsTopics Created On April 6, 2012
- My littlest frog :'(
Ah - I shouldn't post while tearing up, but.. well - fuck it! I'm going to anyway. My littlest tree frog has seemed e
- help! this gemini man is confusing me
this gemini man is driving me nuts. someone who knows astrology please explain him. i need as much help as possible as i
- How to be sweet to cappi guy?
- I told ya'll he was gonna fall for me and hard
Me an Mr cap have been goin strong now for four months now,besides the talkin we were doin b4 all the datin, but I know
- Something Positive for the lions
Hi all, read this this morning, looking forward to the good times :) I want everyone to gently kiss one kitty every
You???ve all been asked to do it at least once in your life: ???Think outside The Box???. Some of you have probab
- The Scorpio stare
Can someone please spell this out to me what its about. And trust me I've had a bad run with men of a late so I'm trying
You???ve all been asked to do it at least once in your life: ???Think outside The Box???. Some of you have probab
- What's YOUR sexual fantasy?
I'm just curious to know what your fantasies are> I was thinking about this last night and I really can't think of wh
- A New Cancer woman has joined the community :)
Hi, I'm a new cancer that has just found its path to your shelter :) I have two stelliums: the first is in the 10 Ho
- Do Cancers Avoid Uncomfortable Questions?
I have a Cancer friend and whenever a difficult question comes up that makes them uncomfortable, they quickly change the
- Cancer Woman and Scorpio Man
Hi, What do you think of this combination? I'd like to read your opinions or stories :) Are scorpio men the ones f
- Disappearing Cancer
Hey all you lovely Cancers! Ok, so my first cancer I ever dated didn't go so well... Recently, I have met a new Ca
- Leo men and apologising?
Hi everyone, I'm curious, how are Leo men with apologising? A couple of days ago, I was discussing something with th
- Pssst Gabzor
I get an error when I click on your post. Perhaps if you put it down here?
- Affair with a Scorpio
Okay, I have mentioned before that all I seem to attract lately are Scorpios and Pisces. Well, I've met yet another Scor
- Incredibly frustrating indecisiveness??
Seriously? Do you guys ever get to some point where you have to make a really important decision and you're just...stuck
- The sad life of an average american
- Y'all are growing on me.
So..the reason I've mistrusted and disliked your sign on principle is bc the guy who took my virginity was a Gem, and af
- Xenoestrogens...
I'm kicking them out of my life. If anyone else is doing this/has done this, I'd like to talk.
- Moon garden
This is the first year I'm planning to garden! I've actually been thinking about beginning a 'moon garden', where everyt
- The first FART
is the stinkiest...... So... Two people like one another. One likes. The other likes too. They cuddle. They talk. The
- Virgo Man Libra Woman
Can anyone speak to how this pairing would be? Yes, I met a new guy......thank goodness he is not a Taurus, LOL
- How to tell if a capricorn guy likes you?
his birthday: december 26 mine: may 8 Please help me. I'm really confused. I like him so much.
- cap-spiration*
You have an incredible capacity to withstand the blows of life and even if times get tough your resilience and dedicatio
- Oldest known astrological observations.
I just came across this and wondered if anyone had some further insight or information on this - or even thought this wa
- Just being genuine.
Read through the 'how to tell if a virguy likes you' post. There's a lot of, take your time, play hard to get advice in
- Caps and Messaging
Just a quick question - when you're first getting to know someone, do you like messaging them? I just had a conversation