April 23, 2012
April 23, 2012 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 5.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 23
Topics Created On April 23, 2012
- narrow mindedness
It has been said that Virgos are narrow minded. Can you define how ?
- What should I do next? Muffed it up with Scorp
So last Friday night after many vino's I sent Scorp guy an anon text with a song (it was how I felt right there and then
- Cancer FWB wont let go
So I told my FWB cancer man it is over, after 2 years. This time he agreed that we could not carry on like this, but sti
- A Pisces keeps visiting my dreams
Hey, For the past week or week + whatever >7 number, I've been having dreams that a Picsean friend of mine keeps visi
- He doesnt think Im worth the effort
So everythings been going fine w/ the Virguy until recently... I found out he was dating other people.. So we broke it
- Does being born late affect your chart in any way?
Hi, A friend of mine told me she was born three weeks late, and wondered if that might have impacted her astrological
- don't mess with my ram daughter, lol!!
my daughter's just turned 13. a girl at school was making a move on her 'man'. this is the message she sent the other
- Taurus Moon / Capricorn Moon : Advice please
Anyone care to share experiences. I have a Capricorn moon and my boyfriend has a Taurus moon and a Taurus venus. I don't
- Fire signs are the most generous with their money?
I don't know if anybody else will agree but I've noticed that fire signs (aries, leo, and sagittarius) are the most gene
- Synastry, composite, draconic/natal/progressed
Hello All! This is my first post. I???m a female and I???ve been studying astrology since 2009. It has become an obsess
- syn, comp draconic CONTINUED
Anyway, to cut to the chase, I'm in a bit of a complex situation and I cannot make my feelings known to this person with
- Which sign do you think is your best match?
I noticed this question in the Virgo section and I'm curious what the Taurus answer is...and/or you can flip it and tell
- Scorpio's Lend me your wisdom! what does he want?
I have this good friend, who is also an ex.. we tried dating (i'm a cancer, he's a scorpio) but it never worked out, we
- Jon Lovitz, Cancer, sounds off about Obama!!!!
Hahahaha!!!! Warning: FUNNY, but FOUL, language here: