March 3, 2015
March 3, 2015 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 5.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On March 3
Topics Created On March 3, 2015
- Cappy guy's criticism style
My cappy guy whenever criticizes he does not directly point at me. He says everything as he is criticizing himself. I ne
- To follow up on previous rape topics.
- prayer for help from the blessed mother Mary
eirdrelovesdave9/9/2014 10:16:55 AM | More ??? Our Lady loves us and always stands ready to assist us, just ask Her.
- Virgo and neatness
I personally think this whole virgo being neat and orderly thing is BS, I don't know any of them who are exceptionally n
- Virgo: skinny people?
Out of the loads of Virgos I know, there's only about 6 of them who have normal or fat bodies. The rest of them are RE
- Again he is behaving differently
Hi all i know in the past, i bored you alot but this time i really need a another advice.As per your advice in the past,
- Any chance of winning her back
So I met this amazing Girl on Twitter and just had to message her, I flirted my way to securing her telephone number and
- How do you Aquarius women act when u like someone?
Hey all, I've been after this Aquarius girl for sometime now. I really admire her honesty, she's recently broken up with
- Cancer man driving me insane!
So he would suddenly appear and be all lovey dovey then poof disappear. Then he would initiate contact and be all excite
- Horary Astrology
Have you ever tried it? It seems much more mesmerizing than birth chart analysis, doesn't it? Do you trust it? Do
- For the cancer heart...
Hey my friends, does this looks familiar for you ?
- Bi-curious behaviour
So how many of you on here have these thoughts at some point in your life... Is he/she a friend,college or work mate...
- How important is it to make a Taurus woman laugh?
A serious attraction has formed between myself, a Scorpio male, and a Taurus classmate of mine. I know for a fact she is
- Advice on Capricorn Co-Worker
Hi everyone! I posted this on the Cancer board, but I???m curious what you Caps think. Basically I???ve been having tro
I've been with my Aquarius for over four years. I've been through the disappearing, aloofness, detachment and even seen
- 15 Things You Don???t Owe Anyone At All
Many choices we make in life???ranging from what we do, to how we conduct ourselves, and who we interact with???are subj
- Cap placements or Scorp Rising?
I got told last night that I had a bitchy person and was intimidating. I was told this by a young adult I practically he
- confused and need advice
Hello everyone, this is my first time writing on here but I have been reading a few topics and I just need some advice.
- Almost 3 years with cap man.
Gem female here. It's been almost 3 years with my Cappy. I couldn't be more thrilled. We've lived together for about
- Libra focus on Other
I focus so much on other people that it causes me stress because I ultimately neglect my own needs. My Libra placements
- What attracts Gems?
Asking the Gem board itself. What gets you guys attracted to someone? Looks, personality, aura, what?
- so, Cap guys are vain and always fishing for compl
compliments? the cap guy I like and I were chatting online today, he's out of the country. He was telling me about s
- We still havent had sex yet
And I can't stand it!!!!!!
- do you think geminis are freaks
Anyone else like fisting or spreading and sniffing
- Any chance of winning her back
- What is the most challenging natal moon placement?
Based on your own chart or observing others? I vote Gemini!
- How to know if a capricorn has called it quits
So I met a capricorn back in December actually dec. 23rd to be exact...funny thing is I had absolutely no intentions in
- Watch: You Might Learn Something
You Might Not. Your Choice.