March 5, 2015
March 5, 2015 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On March 5
Topics Created On March 5, 2015
- Virgo Moon distant and shy?
There is this guy that since he met me 8 months ago I could sense he has interest. Three months ago he started texting m
- Virgo moon, cancer moon compatibility
What's the compatibility between these signs: Male Sagittarius sun virgo moon (12/17/81) Female Aries sun cancer mo
- Compatibility between virgo moon and cancer moon
What's the compatibility between these signs: Male Sagittarius sun virgo moon (12/17/81) Female Aries sun cancer mo
- True Or False?
Caps want the ones they can't have.
- Tips for female gem organism
Hey there!!! You know us gemini females take forever to orgamism in the sack. How does your mate tune into your pyschi
- Ladies.. Is this true????
And if so, what are your thoughts about it??
- Leo Husband and Capricorn Wife (verge of divorce)
Hello folks, Here's the deal. Both my husband and I have had major issues in our marriage. For the past year, he has
- Pisces are TERRIBLE PEOPLE >:(
So my bfs sister is literally a day younger than me. Both almost 16, and our cheats are identical, except my rising is l
- Fucking. Help me. Before I explode. If u wanna kno what happened. But anyways
- ANY Capricorn woman that divorced Leo man?
Why did you divorce? What brought you to this point? We're one sign in the zodiac that is loyal till death. ESPECIALLY,
- libra female doesn't want to see me again
and i just want to pour my heart to her right now to get back.. will this work? EMAIL DRAFT: i really want to apol
- Scorpio Woman Powers
Do Scorpio women have something that makes men crazy? There's been a lot of male posters on here that seem crazy, litera
- News: China Will Get More Bang for Buck
How so? China won't pay $500.00 USD for toilet seats. The US Government is notorious for overspending. Not only in defe
- Secret weapons of an aquarius woman - tell us
What are your secret weapons? How do you make men crave for more? My secret weapon is my wit & sarcasm paired with m
- What is up with this Scorpio Woman?
Could use some insight into this situation. So there is a scorp woman at my place of work that I've recently started wor
- Want to regain my friendship with this aqua guy
Okay,so there is this aqua guy, who,by what I have inferred,is a really really nice human and is extremely trustworthy.
- How to Cancer?
Hello fellow crabbies, I have some insight questions that I think you will understand. I have always been a shy help
- Are Scorpio men Ambitious ?
So what about your ambitions. Are you ambitious or not if so how do you plan to achieve what you want. Are you passionat
- Mafia - Game 3
Ok, new topic. First 15 people get in. Just say In.
- utterly perplexed needing male capricorn advice
I did a post about how do u knowe when a capricorn has called it quits Well I went and did a palm and tarot reading an
- Meaning of this song (Radiohead)
Are you such a dreamer To put the world to rights I'll stay home forever Where two and two always makes a five I'l
- Leo w/Leo Venus..Lion in the bedrom or playful cub
So I am seeing my first ever Leo man and he has Leo Venus(as do I) I thought things might get interesting in the bedroom
- Update
Thank you everyone who wished us luck. We put an offer in on our first home yesterday. We received news today that
- This Pluto Transit... intense. Conjunct my Sun and MC, opposed my IC. So moving, unsure how far I'll be from family and so much shit i
- Angularity
Angular types possess a talent for self-promotion, not in an officious way, but with a definite noblesse oblige. In cont
- You know...Compassion Fatigue
???First, you should understand that it???s a process. It???s not a matter of one day, you???re living your life with a
- Do you trust this site? Is it known to be right? I know it doesn't ask for birthtime/plac