March 25, 2015
March 25, 2015 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On March 25
Topics Created On March 25, 2015
- Curious about an Aqua man
I have been interested in an Aqua man who I work with for well over a year. At first I was under the impression that he
- Solving the problem of inaccurate marketing analyt
There are certain truths about marketing, particularly digital marketing, that most everyone agrees with. Quality lead g
- how do I know if Taurus guy is really interested?
I'm 35, he's 50. Met at the gym. I immediately found him to be very attractive. Started talking for a few weeks. Gave hi
- Moon square Saturn Negative aspect?
Moon - Saturn Negative aspect: Planetary aspect that does not augur well for a life together, it will bring disappoin
- Am I the only one?
I absolutely love Air signs and Fire signs, but sometimes I have issues relating to Water/Earth signs. Especially earth
- More photos.....
SuperMoon.... From my balcony.... At work..... Recent Eclipse 2015
- Do cancer men like when you open up to them?
He's born on july 21 and i'm born on sept 19 so i'm a virgo/libra cusp and he's a cancer/leo cusp. I don't open up about
- Do cancer men like when you open up to them?
(I posted this on relationships and astrology but i decided to post it here too because i didn't know which was better)
- Monster Maid @_@
She keeps on hollering at me! @_@
- Newbie saying Hi!
Hi there folks! I??ve been lurking in these forums for awhile now reading everything, so I decided it might be the ti
- I'm in a relationship with virgo man
So far so sweet LOL
- knocking and karma
Last night I dreamt I was in a classroom and the teacher asked me what this word meant. The word was karmic. I explained
- I need help with scorpio boyfriend :(
My scorpio boyfriend and I have been together about 7 months. In the beginning he was so loving, sweet and caring. He wo
- Zodiac Madness bracket
12 teams duke it out in the Eliminator round, 1 team per sign. After 1 week there will be a semifinal round Vote
- My Aries birthday is coming up, gift tips?
Leo sun cancer moon gifts for an Aries Sun taurus moon. I??m back. Her birthday is in March 30, and as a Leo she knows
- Same Day Synastry?!
- Ok I set her FREE
So I had posted a few weeks ago about this Aquarius woman I'm trying to nab. She is into me, however she's only out of a
- Lying Friend
So one of my friends at work is a gemini. Totally thought had my back for the years she has been here. Her boss aske
- Aquas...what would you do?
Aquarians what would you do if you weren't there for your partner and they're ticked off at you? Would you be clueless
- Dated a Libra female, but we broke up?
I'm a Pisces male (b. 2/19/86) and dated a Libra female for about 6 months (b. 10/20/92). After a weekend of arguing via
- Habit of letting things just slide past you.
When I was younger I bit my tongue on a lot of things. I was quiet. As I grew older I've let my tongue go. If I feel str
- Sag sun venus in scorpio advice _??
So here's the thing, I wonder if you people with this placements purposely try to get the person u r interested in jealo
- Pisces, how do you cope with the loneliness?
I'm a pisces girl, 22 years old. Long story short, I ended my 6 years relationship. He is a capricorn and I had been i
- Which sign is more compatible with Leo Man?
Out of these three signs: Aries, Cancer, and Capricorn what is the best match for a leo man like myself? I???ve been doi
- Leo Man-Aries Woman Compatibility?
I posted this in the Leo forum, but I'm curious what you Aries think. For a while now, I've been doing the casual dating
- Pushing people way
this is kind a like poll: What will make a cancer stop pushing people away? 1) awareness 2) confrontation 3) blunt
- stubborn bulls
What makes you give up? I have gotten myself into a bad situation deep. No matter how morally wrong I am, I seem to not
- Editing
I want to be able to edit or delete my posts.
- If you were a villain?
What type of villain would you be?
- Explain this behavior to me...
Maybe I'm getting old - but I don't understand the need to post every detail of your life on social media? Like do you
- so caps, do they like to humiliate others?
so this cap guy I know from work, he seems to enjoy to make me want to feel like everything I do sucks. Even if its some
- Approaching a Taurus Man
I've been interested in this Taurus Man for a very longg timeee.... I met him 10 years ago but he was so so slow to appr
- Cancer Man and Timing
Could anyone shed some light of how long it takes when cancer says that he will take time to think and consider properly
- Pursue or get over this Cancer man?
I am in a newly-open relationship. I haven't even spread my wings yet, so to speak. I met a smart, funny, sexy Cancer