March 26, 2015
March 26, 2015 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 1.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On March 26
Topics Created On March 26, 2015
- Crazy!!!!!!!!
This spooked me out... So, I looked at an old orbituary of my ex. I realized that someone that I was recently dating was
- Tricky test or forgetful?
So I reconnnected with a Virgo crush recently. We've been casual friends for a long while with a small flirtation occurr
- 27 degree in libra
I don't feel true to my sun sign does anything have to do with the late degree , I feel like I'm more scorpio than lib
- 27 degree libra Sun ,
I don't feel true to my sun sign does something have to do with the late degree , I feel like I'm more scorpio than li
- Sneaky Aquas
Why do I find Aquarius people sneaky? Does anyone elsse feel or think like this? I have a good aqua gal pal, buy I d
- Perfect match
There is no better relationship than a Cancer + Scorpio combo. I have been dating with some other signs, but no way... S
- Germanwings Flight
- What do you want?
After having read through the cancer forum, and passing through the same scenario of facing the dilemma of the reappeari
- Synastry and David relationship charts
Does anyone know how to read these?
- Capricorn moon and entoushiasm
I don't like this placement, how do you feel about it? Sometimes I lack enthousiasm and warmth too much, I feel so ba
- Planet at 0 degrees
Can anyone explain this a bit? I googled it, but I didn't find too much. I looked up my planet degrees on astrotheme.
- Illness
What's your experiance concerning capricorna handling illness - both long and short term illnesses.
- Any insight to me would be helpful
Having a Aries Sun/Virgo moon/Cap rising seems complicated. I'm a fixer and cant figure out why, also for an Aries I'm v
- aquarius frisky when it rains
I was on Instagram looking at images and came across a couple having sex in the rain and the caption written was love th
- How slow?!!! Taurus Man Taurus Woman
Hello all. I'm a cow. With Libra Moon and Scorp asc. Venus Gemini seen as you ask. Yep, one of them. I've recently b
- Gun control
Watch, laugh, then weigh in.
ITS COMING!!!!! It's going to be announced at E3 2015. OH MY GOD!! FUCKING AMAZING! New York City or Boston is going to
- When an Aries man says he's proud of you?
Does that mean much?
- ~vacation~
have you gone recently? what was the BEST vacation you've ever had? and where are you dying to go? share
- Libra Male being manipulated in toxic relationship
Hello, I need some advice. a boy I like is being emotional abused, all the classic signs are there, its textbook what