March 20, 2015
March 20, 2015 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 4.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On March 20
Topics Created On March 20, 2015
- What's Your Affliction?
In life, people have that something they can't seem to shake off. For some it's a health problem, some it's addiction.
- Uh no money?
Ok so: My second house is empty... d
- What's it like being a scorp with sag venus?
- Most common sign to be born under?
I hear Scorpio is one of the most common signs to be born under along with Virgo, Gemini, and Aries apparently. Do you t
- Taurus male Taurus female
Ok been friends with benefits for several years (no one else involved on my part). Recently been seeing more of each oth
- leo woman and aries male...does he like me?
So I met this Aries guy when I went travelling by mysel in Bali. I met him at a hostel and he was grumpy at first,then l
- Squares and friendships
What I notice is that the people I spend the most time with all square or opposite my sun sign. I see this a lot, als
- 'People blatantly lied about Darren Wilson'
- Destined for relationship failure?
My Sun, Venus, mars, and, 12th are all pisces, moon cancer, Taurus asc. 2x diferent relationships, 14yrs down the drain.
- Are you guys jealous?
fast moving possessive when in love... virgo...
- Crisis
A nurse asked me if I was a scorpio today, completely unprovoked - she wasn't even my nurse. I was taken aback and said
- Help me this sweet Leo Female!!
Hello Members, This is my first post, So forgive If I went any where wrong. I am Tauras Guy. There was a Leo Girl(19
- Dating a Cancer for 2 months, where is this going?
Been dating a cancer girl for 2 months now. We see each other about twice a week. We usually go out, lots of typical dat
- Capricorn guy/ Aquarian girl?
So I'm going to tell you my story, but first I would like to address all those who will say we don't make a good match.
- Day of the Week..
What day of the week where you born in? Does the ruler for that day has influence in your chart (houses, planets, dom
- Repairing friendship with Pisces girl (Cap guy)
I won't go into detail about how much I'm into her, but just know that I am. I'm a Capricorn I went out on a date with
- Capricorn woman getting pregnant?
Just out of curiosity, I wanted to know how long it took you capricorn women to get pregnant after actively trying and w
- Too much Capricorn in chart... how to deal?
I have lots of Cap in my chart. Love it cuz it gives me balance and structure but hate it cuz it makes me negative and