March 21, 2015
March 21, 2015 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 5.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On March 21
Topics Created On March 21, 2015
- Pisces man w/ venus in cap!!! help!!!
omg guys, he said he thinks he loves me what does that mean? :/ i have been very confused of how he feels about then h
- first or second decan Pisces
Born feb.28 1991.10:56 pm Some sites say first others say second. I wanna be a first :(
- Being an Aries, Curse or a Bless?
Dark Aries - hot head, thinks that life is only few organisms, trying to find puprpose for living, but doesn't even know
- Earth Snake Taurus
The consistency! (D) Sun, Moon, MC and Venus in Taurus. Snake ~= Taurus &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Mars in Cancer c
- How to date a busy Capricorn man?
I am in a relationship with a really busy guy who is stressed out with work. We have been together for 8 months so far.
- What in your charts do you NOT identify with?
...and what do you especially identify with?
- Our hard headed nature
where do you thinks this comes from? Sometimes when I objectively reflect, I realize how stubborn we can be LOL. I thi
- How to interpret this Aries response?
I am a Leo man and met this Aries women last year. We got along really well and hit it on fast. We became attached to ea
- Venus probs
What can you guys say about a Virgo man with scorpio in venus? I mean virgos are like one of the most compatible signs f
- How to date one with a venus in this sign?
Scorpios are hot, and mysterious... but they can also be so distant, upfront and compliated... How do you handle these g
- Detached Aqua n even more detached cap moon Works!
As time goes by, my moon in Aqua is even more in love with the detached cap moon of his. I love the coolness, the calmne
- Go LOOK ...
- Do any of you have a Scorpio parent?
If so, What were the difficult parts of dealing with them? What were the bonuses?
- Need advice, Pisces female + sweet Taurus male
A tough thing: he wants to get intimate with me too often. We spend one or two days a week together, and he sort of touc
- Are libras empathic?
- What's your tree?
Celtic Tree Astrology. Do you relate to the description? At the bottom of it..they tell you what other trees you have
- Please help - is virgo man interested or not?
A couple months ago I started a new job where I met this amazing virgo man. We hit it off very quickly as friends, but a
- Moon in cancer and moon in cap compatibility?
How will this work? Lol! Overly sensitive sign meets cold and detached sign... I'm sure this is a very frustrating combo