March 17, 2015
March 17, 2015 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 1.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On March 17
Topics Created On March 17, 2015
- How do I find my natal retrograde planets?
Hello all! I'm still relatively a newbie to astrology, but eager to learn more. I read about planets retrograde in t
- aries girl + pisces boy
My friend: Aries sun Pisces Moon Virgo rising Aqua venus aries mercury aries mars Her boyfriend: Pisces su
- Leo crushing on a scorpio
Iv been crushing on a scorpio for 2 years now and i bet he knows but will never mentiot and will just play around me, he
- Aquarius and Emotion
You know, what I find most interesting is it seems like Aquarius have some seriously intense emotions. Especially the mo
- Is there any chance for me with this taurus guy?
Hi everyone, I could really use some advice if anyone has experience with this. I (30) knew this taurus guy (35) last
- Rudraksha the most powerful beads on the planet
Rudraksha the dried product of the Rudraksha tree grown in India, Indonesia and the Himalayan Kingdom's considered as an
- How to be a tough Leo?
Dear Leos or any other sign who understand the leo, This is a weird question, but i guess there are some leos who al
- Best/worst thing about your Moon/Mercury/Mars sign
What's the best and worst thing about your Moon/Mars/Mercury/Venus signs?
- how far of an age gap do you like?
saw this elsewhere.... and i was like, WHOA. I never really thought much of it, when i was with my ex, who has a moth
- Scorpio wife won't stick around?
Hello all, I am looking for some advice that could possibly set my mind at ease. My Scorpio wife and I have been togethe
- Something to give us all hope!
So today I was driving home and drove past a couple in their late 70's walking down the road holding hands. I love see
- Corned beef and cabbage
I made some and it's awesome. Horseradish ftw!
- Interiors and exteriors of your dreams
Post pictures of them. Thank you. ( Inspired by this thread:
- Which sign do you find lies the most???
And go ....
- Leo Men and Cheating... I need help!
Hello! I am a virgo female who has recently broke up with a leo male. We dated for 5 1/2 years and I believed that
- Why is libra coming back?
As I have discussed my problem on this forum. I would like to tell you guys that my libra ex who broke up with me almost
- aries girl + pisces boy
The girl: Aries sun Pisces Moon Virgo rising Aqua venus aries mercury aries mars Guy: Pisces sun Scorpio m
- A capricorn broke my heart & I need feedback
I met a Capricorn and it was love at first sight, like the love out of fairy tales. Everywhere we went people looked at
- When things get serious
Tell me. When a relationship gets serious. Do you ever kinda feel......uncomfortable? It's how I've been feeling lately,
- Let there be light - maybe...
Q: How many Arians does it take to change a lightbulb? A1: Just the one. You want to make something of it, eh? A2: N
- are you a good listener?
i just wanted everyone's take on this. i don't think i am a particularly good listener. i hear what the other pers
- struggling with breakup. Help!
Me and my fellow scorpio have been in a relationship for almost a year. Everything was fantastic until 6 weeks ago when
- Pluto sq Ascendant
Anyone has this aspect if so how are you perceived by others?
- Dear Aquarius
Why me
- Ever fucked up with a taurus and regretted it?
did they forgive you?
- 5 Reasons why you Need a Goat...
- virgo women
i am a virgo moon and i was wondering do you guys need 4-play before sex
- HELP, dream interpretation
Okay so I had a dream about my ex boyfriend in bed with another girl, they were both naked.... but above them was a blue
- Country, beach, or city?
Which do scorpios usually prefer? For example, virgos usually LOVE the outdoors because they are an earth sign, what a
- Hives
I have been getting very itchy, raised hives almost daily for about 9 months now. When it first started we had just m
- Tingles
I was gonna post this on one of the other boards but fuck everybody else lol Anyone heard of ASMR? I'm obsessed (exc