March 16, 2015
March 16, 2015 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On March 16
Topics Created On March 16, 2015
this song has been really connecting with me lately . The first time i say no like i never said yes
- Please help
I met a Sag last summer while he was on vacation and we shared some great moments together. He came back to take Englis
- Yes -Beyonce the first time i said no . it's like i never said yes
- stay or let it go
Hi it's been like a year since I've posted anything...well i just wanted to share my updated cap story , it's been 2 yea
- phEnyxBull876
Hello PhEnyxBull876, I blocked you long time ago...without telling you. However, I read your comment today unintenti
- Ellie Goulding _3
Who else find Ellie Goulding sexy? :P
- Yes, No, Maybe So? What Is He Feeling?!
Hi all! I've been lurking the Taurus board for a long time and finally, found a good opportunity to seek your great insi
- Moon-sun sign compatability?
I was wondering what the deal would be between between a Libra Sun, Pisces Moon, Scorpios Rising and a Taurus Sun, Aquar
- Revenge?!
Is it good or bad? What do you gain from it?
- This SAG has me GONE!!!
I have such STRONG emotions when it comes to my Saggy lover. A BURN in my body!!! What do you think? ( I'm the Sag / Vi
- Cancers, do you go for comfort or passion?
Who would you chose? A partner who'd you feel you can connect with on a deeper emotional plane but more of a wild card o
- Fish Sticks and Salad
- I wish I could forget this Taurus
Spring is nearly here and I am yet again reminded of my past Taurus fling. This weather reminds me of him. His face, his
- Pitching aquarius
I am a capricorn female who has never to my knowlege talked to an aquarius person and I have very little aquarius in my
- Capps moon + Airt Aqua moon.. Relationship?
What are your took us a lot of compromises and adjustments but I think we finally learnt out differences a
- what to do to my date when he's busy from school?
We are dating for 2 months now. We're in a long distance relationship. My date is busy for school work and his mater'
- Sign priority.
I find people's focus odd when it comes to factoring in compatibility. Seems to me the 2 main signs that would factor in
- Big Softies?
Haha I don't mean big flaccid cocks hahah ;) I mean are Cap men big softies inside? I've found myself involved with t
- Mafia: Game 5
Please sign up for Mafia Game 5 by posting the word in in this thread. Game should start tomorrow around noon St. Pat
- would virgo man bother to respond
other women's messages if he doesn't even care/like them? Other questions, I've been dating a virgo man for five
- Principle of Least Interest
- Name your favorite alcoholic beverage!
Wine specifically...
- Thanks, but no thanks
My Libra texted me tonight as I was leaving work and told me to hurry home because he cooked dinner. Immediately, I'm
- Selective Hearing
Do virgo guys have selective hearing? I've had several of the same conversations about the same subject like 3 differen
- Does this taurus girl has feelings for me?
Ok well bare with me on this i am hoping i can get some answers so, this taurus girl i used to know in high school we we
- Hemispheres Which hemispheres are most of your planets, and do you
- Stressing !!
How do you Taurus woman deal with stress. *small rant* I've been extremely stressed lately and I don't know how t
- How do libras deal with breakups?
So I'm struggling right now. My ex broke up with me on Valentine's Day after I found out that he was talking to his ex (
- Confused by Libra Man. Am I just being used?
Hello yall. So, let me try to give as much background as I can because this situation is a little complicated (at least
- Shrimp Chow Meine And Rice