Capricorn is loyal. Bullshit. Big time. I've been dating many flirty guys from other signs. But I personally think Caps are the worst. You can just tell easily
Another Gas Explosion in NYC ...I'm sure you've all heard or read about the recent one, and there have been some recent small ones prior, and one yea
Pisces Male and Libra Female? So I recently matched online with this woman, and we share a mutual friend. Me and this Libra haven't really spoken dire
Leo Guy Help (I am in misery) My Leo and I have been friends for 20 years. At his 40th birthday party we looked at each other differently for the firs
Are we fooling ourselves? The classical astrology was mostly used for horary predictions. Only chinese horoscope told which zodiac animal is be
Deal Breakers and Breakups If the rumor is true that cancers stay in relationships long after the expiration date, what pushes you to finally cut t
Virgo moon and Aquarius moon I was just wondering if we were compatible relationship wise. Because from what I know I believe you go off of the moon
what keeps you intrested ?? I personally think that Capricorns tend to lose interest easily and quickly. Is that true if so what makes you loose int
I need advice a Scorpio man I am talking to a Scorpio man that is charming, sweet and always respectful to me. We talk mainly via text, audio messa