May 7, 2017
May 7, 2017 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 22.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On May 7
Topics Created On May 7, 2017
- Help with synastry
Hey guys!
I'm new here and I'd like some help to read my synastry with this guy I met and I really like.
Sorry it is long but thank you!
Sun in 19° 8' Taurus
Moon in 9° 11' Pisces
Mercury in 19° 45' Taurus
Venus in 23° 0' Gemini
Mars in 9°
- Venus in Virgo man says "lets take it slow as friends"
i am a Capricorn sun, moon& rising Virgo, mars in Aries and venus in sag
He is a libra sun, moon and rising Capricorn, mars in gemini and Venus in virgo.
we been talking for 3 months exactly online and decided to meet for the first time. (8 hour driv
- Chase or be chased. ?
Which part of the chart do i look at to c what i prefer. Mars or venus ?
- What ethnicity are you?
I'm a mutt. How bout you?
- which zodiac signs tended to be the dorks vs. cool kids?
i've noticed that lots of kids from school tagged as "dorky/outcast" were pisces & taurus
the "cool kids" tended to be aquarius, aries, sagittarius, gemini.. lots of the positive signs
what do you think? any experiences?
- Would you marry a Sagittarius?
And what is your sun and moon?
Male and female responses please.
Thanks in advance!
- Taurus male vs. Taurus female
what are the differences in traits? vibe? anything? would you rather be a taurus male or taurus female?
- Sex questions for Leo men
Hello guys!
I'm a Taurus and don't know why, but I've always been attracted to Leos, I think is this confidence and the straightforwardness in life that is really sexy. So I have a few sex questions that I've always been really curious to know about Le
- Brazilian Blowout
Any experiences with it? I wanna get it done, but I've heard it makes some people lose a lot of hair.
- Tell me your sweetest revenge
I find that us Gems tend to be happy-go-lucky child where the sunny sun never sets but woe behold those who do wrong by us.Gifted with hyperactive mind that goes out in all erratic direction I know once we set our sight on something, it's just a matter o
- background?
How do you put a cover page on a miscellaneous topic?
I see some are able to do that, how do you guys do it?
- Using astrology to determine if you've met 'the one'
- Confessed to an Aquarius Guy
Recently I confessed to an aquarius guy. This is my first time confessing my feeling to a guy.
I told him I like him and he replied he likes me too and I broke down his wall.
Before I confessed to him, I traveled more than 7000 miles away from my place
- Confessed to an Aquarius Guy
Recently I confessed to an aquarius guy. This is my first time confessing my feeling to a guy.
I told him I like him and he replied he likes me too and I broke down his wall.
Before I confessed to him, I traveled more than 7000 miles away from my place
- idgaf appreciation thread
I like this guy :P
- Anyone who would like to support me with a piece of advice, please. I feel bad.
Hi, this is Cancer lady who met Pisces man five months ago. We started dating but he told me he has just ended up a relationship, but wished me not to get far from him. He kept on sending messages and one day I kissed him (I think I precipitated things, b
- Pisces & making friends
Hi everyone..
Why is it so difficult for pisces? What do you all think?
At this point In my life i really feel that Pisces will always be alone and friends will always be at a distance.No matter what! Im so done being genuinely nice.. bc its eventua
- Virgo Men are P-ussies
Virgo men will drag you along bc they're too pussy to let you know they're done or the mere fact that they're scared. They string you along, simultaneously pulling away so much so that they do it until they have the least possible amount of care in them,
- Mafia Destiny
[b] Because True Love is the most powerful magic of the universe [/b]
- Kissing a cancer
Do cancer women like to be asked to be kissed? If "no," what the best way to approach a kiss with a cancer, And whats the sexiest thing a person can do when kissing a cancer?
- A pain i enjoy
I ended this relationship with this amazing girl in 04'. It took me over decade to finally get over it. I spent alot of times sabotaging relationships (good and bad mostly bad though :O) and developing bad habits. Self-Destructive got into drugs and other
- How can i get my pisces friend back?
We met at this LGBT app called Moovs,we hit it off,at first it was just chat on the app then texting with calling everyday then we always video call whenever we got home,we give advice to each other about our lovelife,she flirts with me but i always turn
- I think i just lost my pisces friend
I called her today then she texted me saying who is this?it means she erased my number and it hurts?i didnt respond though i dont know what to say,its breaking my heart right now i think i need a drink?
- *De-Stressing*
I don't often get overly stressed these days, but today some of my electrics blew...i was trying to use the vacuum cleaner and it circuited out. I have people coming to stay over today so it couldn't have happened at a worse time....
Managed to fix th
- Capricorn Running Or Just Finished?
- IC in partners 7th house
What does this mean? I keep reading that IC is where you have been. Does that mean having IC in your partners 7th house means they are going backwards in what their soul wants?
- Trying to eat 1-2 lbs of vegetables a day!
I am running out of ideas. Let's hear it people how do you like your veggies ?
- Sagittarius bf cheated on me.. opinions please?
Hey guys, I just wanna ask your opinions about this thing that happened to me days ago.. I've been in a long distance relationship with a fellow sag..he's born dec 8, '89 and I am on dec 17, '86.. we havent seen in person until now, we just met on faceboo
- Sagittarius bf cheated on me.. opinions please?
Hey guys, I just wanna ask your opinions about this thing that happened to me days ago.. I've been in a long distance relationship with a fellow sag..he's born dec 8, '89 and I am on dec 17, '86.. we havent seen in person until now, we just met on faceboo
- Virgo man is distant...
I like someone with virgo horescop before he was talking to me everyday and suddenly he said we should be as friends and less phone calls between us because he feels he is having feelings for me which really hurts now he is acting distant, cold and doesn'
- Iphone5s
I have lost of people in my texting place. But only one of my friends has a grey moon next to her name.
When she replies - it turning into white moon in a blue circle!
What is it and why?
- Free full synastry reading...where?
I used to know a good website for getting free full synastry reports, but my bookmark got deleted. Anybody know a good site for that?
- Chiron or Jupiter in Partner's 8th house.
Anyone ever experience of if these if so what was it like?
- Saggitarius and grief
If there is a pattern on how Sags love or feel and other signs accordingly to astrology, Im wondering how Sags deal with grief.
Im still pretty shaken by this last days events.
After a period of almost 4months no contact my Sag reached out. He is mov
- Taurus... Virg'whore
Dating a Virgo...she has a Thotty pass.
Can I trust this whore? She's so into me...but I've learned last year alone she slept with 9 guys. She gets text messages from these booty calls at 2 in the morning saying..."wanna fuck?" :(
Mind you, she's b
- Let's check out ceres! Make a coffee and come back! ???
Ceres in the horoscope shows the early nurturing we received and how we nurture others. It also directly rules food and clothing.
I have seen two cases of professional designers who had Ceres aspecting Pallas (which rules the ability to see patterns
- Any successful Virgo w / Pisces m
Hi everyone ,
I know that love compatibility is more than just the sun sign and the venus sign . But I wanted to know if you have some idea about these types of "relationship" work ?
I have quite some pisces w friends . I love them , but I found them
- virgo and pisces - ennemies or friends ?
Hi everyone ,
I know that love compatibility is more than just the sun sign and the venus sign . But I wanted to know if you have some idea about these types of "relationship" work ?
I have quite some pisces w friends . I love them , but I found them
- Which sign is ok to be a slut?
I keep wondering reading posts here.
If she is a Virgo and having sex left and right - what does it mean?
Can she be genuinely in love with me?
Like there is a rule - some signs can be sluts and it's ok but others - no no!
When people describe so
- virgo ex keeps liking my pics from his company's account :|
why does my ex kept on liking my pics when i was around some landscape - like a trip from private facebook account and he started liking my 'face pics', profile pics from his office account?
i know it sounds strange. but i wonder why.
on facebo
- Anyone who could tell me their point of view please... I need some advice.
Hi, this is Cancer lady who met Pisces man five months ago. We started dating but he told me he has just ended up a relationship, but wished me not to get far from him. He kept on sending messages and one day I kissed him (I think I precipitated things, b
- Gemini hate emotional stuff
I just read it and it's true but here my question. Why are we so sensitive to the point of madness?
Is there cure?
I can't meditate because I can't concentrate.
Also can't relax even during sex!
What calms Gemini down?
- Libra moons
Any info on libra moon men or any on here that can tell me a little bit about your emotional ways .. Just recently did one of my longtime guy friends birth charts (finally) ??
- I'm ignoring my sag man
So I loaned my sag man some money and I've yet to see it I'm getting the run around. I NEEDED that money. When he needs anything I gave it. I gave him food when he was hungry, money without expecting it back this last time, I've picked him up when he need
- Is it normal that my Scorpio guy friend can sometimes read my mind?
We've been friends since we were 7 & 6. There's definitely something between us. I can just feel him inside my mind looking at my deepest darkest secrets and thoughts.
For example, we'll be sitting across from each other at a table and if it's silent
- Virgo Sun Scorpio Moon break up
Hello everyone,
I met a Virgo sun Scorpio moon online a few months ago and from the first introduction we spoke to each other everyday and all day. He was slow to meet (Virgo sun overthinking and worrying, I'm sure) but once we met, we hung out wheneve
- Vedic or Western astrology?
Which do you find to be more accurate ? Which do you use? Why?