May 23, 2017
May 23, 2017 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 2.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On May 23
Topics Created On May 23, 2017
- ⚛️25 best astrology, horoscope, zodiac sites⚛️
1 is world’s most popular horoscope website for free daily horoscopes tips, free daily Chinese astrological forecast, daily unique celebrity astrology gossips, natal charts, astrological-matching and lots more.
2. is one of the
- People are evil
Who sets off a nail bomb in a concert full of kids????
- Aries Sun, Cancer Moon
So recently I have became interested in astrology and I learned that my birth chart is very interesting:
Sun Aries Moon Cancer Venus Aries and 7th House in Gemini...Any insight on this combination ??
- VirgGuy And Aries Woman
I always hear about how Aries and Virgos aren't compatible, and I'm not sure whether I'm truly convinced. this particular Virguy has moon in Aries, while I am an Aries and my moon is in Cancer. We have this undeniable connection, when we're great everythi
- Taurus and Aries??
Recently, my aunt, a Taurus woman, has gotten married to an Aries guy. Now, prior to their wedding, they were dating for 12 days. ????
Now, I'm not one to judge BUT I am VERY terriorial... So, being that they have only known each other for 2 months and
- Black outs
So I used to be super skeptical of people who claimed to "black out" while drinking and couldn't remember anything from the night before
(excluding people who were legit drugged)
I thought it was just an escape/cope "oh I don't remember
- Libra Female having trouble with Scorpio Male!!! he is so confusing is this a good match??
Libra Female having trouble with Scorpio Male!!! he is so confusing is this a good match?? Are there any Leeb Females ina relationship with a Scorpio? what is it like?? is he very controlling??
I have been talking to/dating this guy for only about a m
- What Are The Best Ways To Be There For A Virgo
Sometimes Virgos Can Be Sensitive, and I understand that being Blunt With Them May Be Too Harsh At Times. I Want To Know What Are Some Effective Ways Of Advising Them, Encouraging Them, And Showing Them You are There For Them. ?
- Virgo having trouble getting over someone.
I was with an Aquarius guy for a few months. We were close friends for years, he apparently liked me for sometime but never made a move, and then sometime later i made a move. We date for a few months, he is super affectionate and always wanting to be wit
- Just had the best sex ever with a Leo guy! OMG
So not to put my business out there, BUT for the first time ever, I had the best experience with a Leo guy!
I'm a Virgo girl... so I didn't think it was going to be the greatest sexual experience to begin with because the compatibility of our signs...
- DXP Survivor 2017 Part 2
Coconut Count:
- 5️⃣?5 things that make men tick ?5️⃣
Men want commitment. They really are not that confusing but will only commit to a woman who is not out to control him with man-management. Men do not need someone to control and mother them and when this happens it is an instant turn-off. Nor do men want
- Taurus man acting cold. What do I do????
I'm a taurus female and I thought dealing with another taurus(male) would be easy but I'm facing a
challenge. I've been dating him for 6 months and we get along great. We hang out all weekend and talk everyday. Hes also 4 years younger. I'm 25 and hes 2
- Taurus women..
As a cancer with a taurus moon I get along very well with taurus suns. My mother is a taurus, my (now ex) best friend is a taurus as well. But i find them to be the most jealous envious human beings. My best friend decided to just completely cut me off af
- Taurus man acting cold. What do I do????
Oops. My bad yal. I guess I put this in the wrong place.....I'm a taurus female and I thought dealing with another taurus(male) would be easy but I'm facing a
challenge. I've been dating him for 6 months and we get along great. We hang out all weekend a
- Geminis dealing with their lows
Hi fellow gems, how do you deal with your sudden mood changes? I'm on a bit of a low and actually been for the last couple days due to guy problems which at first i thought nothing of...
How do you get out of being sad and demotivated?
- Virgoooooo
Insight on Virguy, Sun Virgo Moon Aries Venus Aries Ascending Capricorn
- Love Lol
- Hmm
I honestly just need to meet cancers like me I am convinced there's nobody like me in my entire state like I go through some extremely tough stuff nobody else does and it's the truth I don't know anybody that goes through my struggles alone
- Hmmmm
I just made this don't mind me fucking things up! :)
- Cupid
I just want to meet my soul friends family and mate please appear
- PastLife Soul Mate
I am a Cancer and if I ever come across a Scorpio Goddess again I will leave her with a fat belly and a castle to make donuts in.
- Message
It was an agonizing difficult decision but I decided to send him a text message
And No Reply
Why ??
- Well my leeb crush is actually going to come visit me..
I did not think this would ever actually happen. I'm nervous and wanna puke a lot. :) just tell me what NOT to do...... I will not propose.. I will puke directly on him... Halp..
- ⚠️ Cheating what's acceptable to you ⚠️
I keep hearing that there are many forms of cheating
From thinking of someone else and having sexual fantasies of someone you may or may not even know Then there's the watching pornography type of cheating where some may or may disagree it's cheating
- Thin Line Between Love & Hate?
How can one hate someone they used to love so dearly? I never use the word hate, but the rage feels strong enough to call it hate! Dumb ass weak, wimpy, piece of shyt-ass fuker! Dumb ass! Need to cuss somebody out? Go gor it!!!
- Gemini & Leo Dynamic?
So a few years ago I was at a house party. There was a woman there who at the end of the night made it EXTREMELY clear she wanted to have sex with me....loudly (and explicitly) front of everyone. I was at the other end of the house on a different floo
- I think Jupiter Cancer may not be exalted after all
Look at the interp clearly, excess(and other things, luck, knowledge etc but mainly excess, expansion), in the area of childhood. If you really had to sum it up, that's it. Cancer is childhood.
Now l find that all these people have a shyness about them
- Look at this...must be 5 years old...already men !!!!!
Pluto Capricorn generation or what????
Ali, Foreman, and countless others are Capricorns, apparently they love boxing ?
- How to Heal From Friendship Ending?
It doesn't feel the same talking to other people. We talked daily for hours now the friendship ended. No sex, no kissing. Do you ever really heal?
- Are Gemini men Faithful? Moon playing a role in monogamy
No generalizing, but from what I've read, Gemini's have a lot of secret affairs when they are with someone. *Again, just what I read *
I'm sure also their moon sign has a lot to do with it as well. Are their any Gemini's here with a earth moon sign?
- My Taurus ex
Hey I'm a Scorpio and I've recently just ended a 3 year relationship with my Taurus. We really love each other and this isn't pur first break...the difference is with this break is that he actually moved on with someone else about 1 month ago....hes still
- Are venus in pisces loyal?
hey everyone, so i started seeing an Aries man with a Venus in Pisces.
it happened randomly & we started to see each other daily lol and talk alot.
my sun is in Capricorn and Venus in Sagittarius and mars in Aries.
anyways, my question is s
- Ladies...hows your packing tactics?
I am pretty ridic, mainly because I love to take pretty pics, in pretty outfits in pretty places. Everything in me is now being tested on this trip to Naples and Amalfi Coast to meet my SO. I am allowed 10kg max in hold and a handbag EEK!
It is do-able I
- Cancer in Love (Venus)
Anyone here with a Cancer in Venus? If so, does your traits match with the Cancer Sun/Moon descriptions...? (I.E. Fall in love fast, can be a bit clingy or possessive)
Whats your Sun?
Trying to find out about a Gemini Sun / Virgo Moon / Venus Cance
- What placement/aspect/sign would make someone unaware of who is attracted to them?
I've read about Venus/Neptune aspects...What do you think?
- How do I appeal to a cancer man? Help!!
- Scorpio man grrrr
Hi, I'm new here.
I'm meeting a scorpio man, which I can find out he has sun, mercury, pluto, venus in scorpio and has an ascendant in capricorn.
He seems like a good and nice man, but he disappears, he does not write to see me, if I do not seek h
- Do you think Aries could be partially frogs?
Watching this 4x Aries flog the Muslim extremist bastards...his face and eyes, especially in one thumbnail on the right, remind me of frog, and it's not the first time l wonder this. They're kind of reptile-l
- What is the planet in the natal chart that rules tattoos?
I've done a quick research about celebrities and I've found some indicators but im in doubt between Mars (Masculine agressive energy), Vênus (Arts, beauty), Saturn (Work, needles, modifications), Uranus (Rebellious atitude, original look) or Neptune (Drea
- My leo ex
I recently broke up with my leo, and now he's back texting me saying I'm ugly and no one would want to date me and all kinds of insults etc. but today he was begging me to get back to him and apologizing for all the things he did to me and I totally ignor
- DXP Survivor Part 3
- Is it possible to spend too much time by yourself?
Cause I feel like I'm losing my ability to competently interact with others.