May 21, 2017
May 21, 2017 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsTopics Created On May 21, 2017
- Cancers - A Negative: Double Lives
Hi All,
So I've recently read a negative trait can be a cancer (mostly males) can have a double life if one relationship isn't emotionally fulfilling. I didn't understand what I read because the cancer that I've met and what I've read on cancers state
- Cheaters caught! Next step... A, B or C?
Hi all,
Met a guy, talked for a week, went on a date with him, kissed/cuddled....
Before moving forward to anything committed, I noticed a few red flags which promoted me to do some research.
RESULTS: Has a girlfriend.
Ok, for those who
- one thing that I wish people understood about cancers is....
whats one thing that you wish more people understood about cancers or what ever your sign is ?
one thing that I wish people understood about cancers ... my love, praise, and affection can come quickly but it can leave just as fast.
one thing that I
- Virgo (male) "manipulative"
Virgo male here. Mercury, 3rd House Virgo in my natal chart. I've been dating a Taurus female the last 2 years. We're on the verge of break up due to a few factors, but ultimately due to a relocation. She accused me of being manipulative i
- Gaslight: Emotionally Abusive Relationship
What advice would you give an adult woman who suspects her own father is emotionally abusing her stepmother based on red flags such as isolation, control, and criticism?
- Does my chart scare you?
I'm just curious as to what you think about my T-Square (12th Mercury opposite 6th Saturn/Uranus and square Mars)... I have suffered a lot within a short lifetime and I am still struggling with many obstacles.
- You fascinate me
Is that a good thing or a bad thing? When someone says that to you, do you feel complimented or insulted?
- He doesn't have a green card how can he work here?
Does he just need a green card or does he love her? He's from Jamaica and he can work in the United States and he owns homes in the United States. In August his work visa or whatever he has expires; he claims that he has to go back to Jamaica to get his
- pretty 26-year-old girl
We're having a very nice conversation over a glass of champagne. Taurus Sheep and Virgo Rabbit. I think I'm in love. :)
- why is it that whenever I talk, other people always look?
Do I always say something interesting?
- Dating and Sex
I need to understand this. Because it keeps happening with the guys I date now and I don't get it at all!!
They don't want to be exclusive, but they want to have sex.... with more than 1 person!! The guy I'm dating right now says he's not ready to be
- How to Get Over Being Cheated On?
I was with a guy for 3 years and we already broke up almost 2 months ago. Yesterday I found out he cheated on me some time during our relationship and it feels like all my hurt and wounds have been freshly opened. I didn't want the relationship to end in
- Hello Pisces
How is everyone? What's new in the crew?
- Introverted Aquarians and loneliness
Both my mom and my oldest sister are aquarists abd both barely socialize outside of our family. My sister more so than my mother, but even her barely. The problem isn't making friends. They are both very sophisticated and charming and people actually are
- List 3️⃣
Which signs typically lacks depth when it comes to thoughts?
- Do guys like the chase?
Do guys secretly like when a woman is hard to get? I notice men lose interest once they get the girl.
- how do people not love virgos
- worried sick
I heard this is a cancer trait that we worry about things more so than other signs ...what are some of your worries ..and anxieties
- Libra guy totally confusing me!
So I've read a lot about libras and I know they like to balance things and they may also be distant and hide their feelings well but this one guy in particular I CANNOT figure out. I am an aquarius we're both in college.
I've known this kid for years b
- Do we match? Virgo man and Taurus girl
we have just started dating and for some reason, HE SEEMS SOOOOOO PERFECT!!! and he isn't judgemental which I found kinda strange because every Virgo I met is kinda judgemental. I'm a Taurus he is a Virgo.
this is his chart:
Sun Virgo
Moon Libra
- what is about this Virgo man?
i just wanted to ask what is about him, this Virgo man
that everyone likes him and every woman is attracted to him?
i had a romance with him but it didnt wrk out .
now after almost 2 years he started liking my pics again.
he has a lot of taurus a
- If anyone can read this thanks
Can you make something out of it?
This date's ephemeris
The ephemeris positions for this birth date are:
Sidereal time: Sidereal time: 03:47:12 UTC
Ephemeris sun Sun was in Scorpio at 25° 25'.
Ephemeris moon Moon in Pisces at 28° 07'.
Ephemeris m
- Aries female/Leo male: HELP! I am LOSING IT! Questions for Leo males or ANYONE with experience!
Omg Yes! Finally! I am SO GLAD I found this forum! I need answers PLEASE!!
**WARNING** I have been jotting down details a little at a time ALL afternoon! So this is a very long post! :)
Let me start with... I am a TRUE Aries female, through and th
- In multiple blockquotes, the "click to expand" text disappears for all but the last one
If you use multi-blockquotes, the "click to expand" text disappears for all but the last one.
It is still functional if you guess where to click but it's not obvious t
- I have a problem with a Cancer guy ... i can't figure him out
This is a story between a Taurus Woman and a Cancer man and an Aquarius man.
I met this Cancer guy 5 months ago... we are work buddies ... At first he seemed interested in me.He kept staring at me and he smiled when ever he saw me so i smiled ba
- Sag woman flirt!!
What do you think is the most reliable sign that a sag woman uses for showing romantic interest in a guy?? Every answer appreciated in advance....
- Can one of y'all explain this crazy?
I get a wrong number booty call, text with a dick pic. I'll be honest, I just ignored at first but he kept texting and says, "hey baby, why aren't you answering".... anyway, I do text back and say, wrong number, he then proceeds to text me back and asks