May 12, 2017
May 12, 2017 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On May 12
Topics Created On May 12, 2017
- Leo in love Vs. A Leo who likes you
From what I've seen, leos generally like a lot of people. So how do you know if you mean more to them than just a pretty face? Like what differences in behavior would you see over time to know if they really care for you or if you're just one amongst the
- Insight on Pisces Man
So I'm a Scorpio and I've been dating this Pisces guy since November. In the beginning I made it clear I wasn't ready for an actual relationship. We've been cool but I have turned down things that would get his hopes up for being an item li
- How long did it take you to get into a relationship? Lets talk!
okay so from the talking (casual dating) how long did it take you to get into that relationship? & how long did it last? can you really put a time limit on relationships/marriage?
- I can be who I want - motto
I don't need permission.
I'm grown. I'm diligent in securing my finances.
I can bet my soul I'll always do what I want.
- Question for You Love Capricorn Women....
Do some of you Hide your True Feelings/Emotions the more Vulnerable you become, especially as it relates to your Love Relationships, respectively?
It appears as though that this so-called 'Steely Disposition' that seems to accompany your sterling reput
- Libra Man and Cancer Break up.
I'm a Cancer woman that has been in a relationship with a Libra man, the last 5 months. We had been friends for over 3 years, in and out of each other lives. The last time around we had build a very strong foundation and built a relationship from it. Thin
- Aquarius the most difficult sign to be in a relationship with
I say this because I've never been in a relationship where I had to prove myself constantly and any small thing I say gets blown out of proportion. Also being in a relationship with Aquarius means also not being in a relationship with them because one day
- Any other caps feeling kind of lonely lately?
Usually I find myself just super happy being single. I love it. Lately though I have this feeling like I want to fall in love.. I want to be in love. I want to care about someone deeply and just like genuinely connect. Wtf is wrong with me.
- Final Outcome Death reversed.. Insight?
Is there hope for this relationship?
Present 4 of coins reversed, future Pope final card Death reversed.
- Pippa Middleton, wedding
ohh congratulations pippa middleton !!! she's a Leo rising/Virgo sun/Leo moon/Leo LOTS of leo. :P :D
marrying a leo sun/Virgo venus/virgo mercury (Ok he will "get" her for sure) and he has Aq
- 9 words and the crowd goes nuts
- DXPNET USERS: Your Advice is Life-changing!
I am just feeling grateful I found this forum as some people give life-changing advice. Multiple perspectives on a troubling issue can provides rapid solutions. What advice or answer has been most memorable?
Mine- a user who closed her account advice
- Unsure
So I met a Pisces man a month ago, things are going well. I really like him a lot
He has not mentioned anything about his feelings towards me except a couple weeks ago to tell me he really liked me and loved spending time with me. Also said that he i
- As a capricorn, what zodiac sign irritates you the most?
For me, SAGS.
- Seeking advice, courting a cancer woman
So I was screwing around on a dating website not really taking it too seriously. And I met this woman, and I just completely fell for her, utterly and completely like all those romantic poems out there that sound almost over romanticized (well of course
- Maybelina!!!!
I lost my dear Sister!!
I Hate Myself!
- Summer Vacation
What's everyone doing for the summer?
I wanna hear about your exciting plans!!!
So far........
I've booked Jellystone park for the Aries and me to take our kids for 4 days
3 days in San Marcos to float the river and hit schlitterbahn
4 nig
- Just another quick Virgo question.
So, the Virgo man told a mutual friend and I both, that he'd like to go out again. He did tell us both as well that he is very busy right now. He started a new job and they have lots of overtime.
I've kind of always been under the belief set that a ma
- Hair growth help
Anyone of you suffer from hair loss due to any causes? If you have any tips that work or any products that you swear off, can you please share with me?
- Libra Man came back after 2 years
Okay so I posted here for my ex Libra long long time ago and It all finished after on and off relationship two years back . He intentionally ditched me proposed my friend , mind games , ignorance , ego issues and all . However I gathered all my strength
- Sacret something
If you have something that you considered your sacret thing that you are doing alone for ever and told me I am never going to be able to participate because it's yours and you do it fishing for an example.
And I can't be there because I will
Aries Moons
Gem Mars
- Love Reading
I asked; where will this relationship go from here?
Ace of Cups
6 of Wands
- Aqua advice needed
I have been posting here for a while regarding my Aqua ex and our break up which happened in September last year.
A friend of mine at work who sits next to my ex asked her today why me and her don't talk anymore.
According to him she got q
- Can anyone do a tarot reading for me? ??
If someone can, please, I would really appreciate that..
Thanks ?