May 19, 2017
May 19, 2017 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On May 19
Topics Created On May 19, 2017
- My love to dxpnet
...from the buttom of my heart!
I was about to make this post long time ago but today I am doing it.
For all of you my friends here who are helping me to survive ordeal of my life by loving me or hating me - THANKS TO YOU ALL for being here and cheeri
- Ran into a pack of coyotes 4 days ago
They were huge. Larger than great Danes. I screamed but stood my ground and they left.
W t f
I'll fight em, may not win, but fight I will.
- 100 ways to get rid of a guy
Any thoughts ???
- 100 ways to get rid of a girl
Any thoughts ???
- return to form
it's been about 8 or 9 months since i have visited this board...wonder how everyone is doing, who are the frequents now, what's been going on. if anyone remembers me, lol prolly not...
my 10 year membership anniversary to this site comes up in a month
- Hurt my cancer ex gf and now she is ignoring me. How?
Help, I need practical advise on winning her back.
Prior to the breakup, I doubted her time and again of her commitment to the relationship. She didn't seem to be because back then I didn't know the subtle ways cancers show their affection and love.
- Love vs. Compatibility
I'm still coping through a breakup and one thing that has come up over and over again is this idea of love vs. compatibility. I'm still very much in love with this (Virgo) woman and she knows that. Today she shared "sometimes saying I love you means sayin
- Cancers fall for someone fast?
Hi all,
Met a cancer guy with the intentions of being friends, however the guy is starting to grow on me. He's very sweet and makes the earthy virgo girl feel at ease and comfortable.
Started to notice he is falling fast for me though which is a con
- What will make our relationship lively and fun again!!
I'm going to keep this short and sweet, but if you want any more details just ask..
I would say the "honeymoon" phase of our fling has started to end, where excitement is dying down and we're both kind of bored in what to do. Initially my gemini man ca
- She, a Taurus; I, a Virgo. She, a Sheep; I, a Rabbit.
- Are we Compatible
He is Male
Venus in Sagittarius
I am Female
Venus in Pisces
I am new to this astrology stuff.
- Guisseppe L'Oreaux
That's my new name. Seppe is my nickname.
- Saying vs Doing
How do you feel about people who say a thing and do the other (usually the exact opposite)?
- Fell for the wrong person
I just need express my feelings to some fellow sag. Back in July I met a Capricorn that I bonded with well. Over time I have fallen head over heels for him, I always loved his company, but I had just got out of a 10 year relationship and offered no stri
- 5 Things You Have To Know Before Dating A Taurus
Taurus: April 20 – May 20
Taurus is the sign of dependability, practicality, and gracefulness. Those who are a Taurus are persistent, tolerant, passionate, benevolent, tender, and supportive. However, Taurean energy can also be aggressive, stubborn, st
- Aries brainstorming and advice thread
So everyone is always asking us for advice on Aries, and if I ever had advice (idk about you all) I go to other threads, but let's be real for a moment...we are pretty damn good, so here's a thread where we can just ask each other for advice, and we all k
- Duncan.. Please help my other account-
Please send me the confirmation email for my account- NostalgicCappy, so I can post again? Pretty please? I've tried to have the email re-sent numerous times.
Please let me know what I need to do?
- What kinds of people drain you?
What types of people suck the energy and life out of you? What are the charectisitics you find it hardest to stay around?
For me, I can't stand people who are stubborn about their ways when they admit that have no clue what to do. They complain about b
- Aquarius Advice
How to attract an aqua guy? (high school) conversation starters, things to avoid and how to get them to open up? I think he has a taurus moon
- I'm doing it
I'm gonna pop the question with the Aries while on vacation in 3 weeks!
Wish me luck!
- Ares and "I love you"
I have never been with anyone who says it, and so often. Totally not complaining but also didnt think this would be an Aries thing...I guess I am used to being the one to say it first, and it be only every few months lol.
I do wonder if its a reassurance
- Get Excited - a Super New Moon is coming!
The potent Super New Moon falls in the air sign of Gemini on May 25th, 2017.
This Super New Moon is going to bring the start of a new cycle, however before this new energy can emerge, the old has to be cleared.
The old energy we are clearing this ti
- Dating a Virgo Sun with Scorpio Moon
So im interested in this Virgo Sun, Scoprio in moon, Venus and Mars both in Virgo too. I can see that he's interested since he does that whole staring thing when he thinks I'm not looking and he is quite inquisitive.
e's started that push-pull game,
- Should I stay or should I go
About six months ago I met a cancer man over the phone and then we connected on social media. We've been talking ever since and slowly but surely I've been falling for this guy you live very far away from one another and I am able to be able to go see him
- Declaration from a Cap moon
My emotions are my own to feel. Just because I do not vocalize them or show you them outwardly does not mean they are not there. They are my own to understand, pick apart, understand or be burdened by, It doesn't mean there is never a storm brewing beneat
okay so I met this Aquarius guy through my best friend on February 2016. As soon as he saw me he couldn't take his eyes off me. We were all hanging out at his apartment and he would leave the kitchen to go sit with me on the couch and he would just talk a
- School are making us dumber?