May 27, 2017
May 27, 2017 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 6.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsTopics Created On May 27, 2017
- Typical Cancers
I just love how we cancers are stereotyped as being weak, emotional, ugly, etc..... EVERY cancer I've ever met has always been very successful, or on their way to being successful. We are the only sign that can actually cut someone off and be completely a
- I'm a Capricorn Man, She's Virgo. I'm about to stop talking to her. This is great...
First post and probably just a vent post by now, but here it goes:
I met a beautiful Virgo lady at my University's library. At first I didn't really care about her (She was pretty, but not big deal to me). However, recently she started to sit
- What traits impress you?
Aries here... Half an year ago I messed things up with this cancer date I had by acting weird while high (I've created an awkward situation and she never called back). I've regreted it every day since then because she was a truly amazing girl, but I decid
- Unibrow
Well not like a full on unibrow. But small hairs in between the eyebrows. Not talking Arab eyebrows, but I actually noticed when I was a teenager that all my main group of male friends had to some level or another, hairs in between, and that's including t
- Please Hydorah write a speech for me :(
PLESE!!! @_@
- Did you get offended by my Aries / incarnates the frog thread ?
Because you habe no trouble accepting that Aries is the ram. But there are so many animals, and so few zodiac signs, there are obviously others....
Like Cancer, we're crabs but also turtles...slow, with a protective shell... We don't have strong bodies,
- 2150 miles 34 hours
Non-stop, except for gas. Awake 40+ hours straight.
Pity I didn't kill myself driving off the road, asleep at the wheel. I'm disappointed.
I don't remember 5 miles of it , though.
That happens, and sometimes you'll drive for miles and be so exhaust
- first date or first meet Natal Chart.
Curious if there's any relevance to pulling a chart like this. Perhaps it would be like a synastry X's 2 chart ?
Thoughts, Opine?
- Fire Snake and a Sheep
good match ? long-term ?
- Aquarius Ex Calls Me Crazy After I Called Him Out
This is a long read...
I began seeing my Aquarius back in November. He's A LOT older than I am. When I first began seeing him, I was told by many people that he was a player and to be careful. Well, in the beginning, we were just having fun together,
- sagittarius woman getting flowers
Sagittarius woman receives some flowers, how would she feel if it came from someone she has little to no interest in?
- My Aqua and I arrange a code phrase for when we need space lol
It's "hey I think I'm hanging with Wilson today." Meaning Wilson from the movie Cast Away hehe. He was saying how he gets extremely irritable when he doesn't have enough alone time but he can also be very needy (Libra moon). But we both agreed that were
- How Many Dxpner Users Have You Blocked and Why?
- Psychedelics found Alice in Wonderland (1951) appealing
From wikipedia:
At the time, these creative decisions were met with great criticism from Carroll fans, as well as from British film and literary critics who accused Disney of "Americanizing" a great work of English literature.[13] Disney was not surpri
- How Many Posts Pages on Dxpnet?
Look under posts in your account how many pages have you posted?
- How Exactly...
Did Pisces get stuck with the wimpy twin fish image and not the twin ichthyocentaurs?
- Aries man gone silent but still FB friend???
So I've been online friends with Aries male for about 3 years now. We have a mutual friend. Aries and I communicated often over the years solely thru social media and phone calls (we live in two different states). 3 years back we both were going thru a di
- Glamour & Royalty
So I have taken the oath of attorneys and signed the roll of attorneys. I have officially become a full-fledged cpa lawyer. Everywhere I go, I am treated with much respect, and more than that. People changed the way they deal with me.
It also happens
- My positive thread ?➕
- Which air sign best for Virgo
- British Airways Cancels All Flights
- Scorpio male not interested or playing mind games?
Couple days ago i was on a party and there i danced with one guy and after that we kissed till i went home.He was a bit drunk, as well as me. He took my number and send me a message that night after i came home and i answered it tomorrow morning. We cont
- Cancer dating a Man with taurus sun , venus and mars in cancer and a leo moon
Hi so I'm a cancer female I've been pursued by this taurus guy he flew to see me many times before we finnaly had sex and it was amazing , he already confessed that he loves me and asked for a monogamous relationship , even though we spend 1 week together
- do you often judge people's characters?
here is a list online, that shows a person's character.
however i think that many people just can't live up to this kind of thing...and we're not all perfect for sure..
but there are potentials to see/how a person's character can be scary..
look at
- I am drunk as a skunk!
And happy as an ass of whoever...
All who love me...fess up!
I know you want to!
I love you much! ❤️?