May 15, 2017
May 15, 2017 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsTopics Created On May 15, 2017
- Question about an aries woman
So I've been talking to this girl for a few months now, it's only been the past 2-3 months that we've been talking much more regularly. However absolutely confused and not sure if I've been super friend zoned or there is some interest there...
1. She h
- Is it wrong to go on a date with a guy you are not attracted to?
Can attraction develope over time?
This guy i have met only once, asked for my facebook and messaged me a few times and asked me out for coffee. I am not attracted to him nor do i see him as anything more than a friend. I also though going to get coffee
- Song Lyrics
post your short lyrics from your favorite songs. i like short yet powerful and meaningful sentences. i need inspiration for my monday morning.
- Just a couple Pisces questions
Only thing to keep in mind is that this is a female pisces, and i am a female leo/virgo cusp. Also our "love" is forbidden due to her religious reasons... These are just some basic questions i wanted to ask all of you.
1) Is it possible for a pisces n
- Birth chart
I recently got my birth chart. Can someone please translate it to me. I want to understand myself better. Thank you so much.
Sun in Leo
Moon in Sagittarius
Mercury in Virgo
Venus in Cancer
Mars in Aries
Jupiter in Gemini
Saturn in sag
- Leo Woman
Hello beautiful people,
I need advice. I have known this Virgo guy for over 8 years. When we first met I was 20 and he was 31. He saw me and thought I was beautiful and asked my roommate to hook me up. But I didn't find him attractive-I decided to tu
- First date with Libra women.... Gift or not?
I recently met a Libra girl and plucked up the courage to ask her out....
We had a chat on the phone to arrange the plans for 2 hours (although it seriously felt like 20 minutes)
Now I have read that Libras are romantic and love classy expensive gifts.
- Healing?
Hey there,
I was just wondering if there are any Cancerians out there that use the same healing mechanism as I? In order for me to move on from someone I tend to delete them from everything. I hate that by doing this it's considered as giving those pe
- Do cap men like cap girls or vice versa?
Hi all,
I am just curious about our combination, I have never dates cap men before but recently I met one cap guy who really got me curious about him.
I wondered as we are so alike, shy, guarded and not expressive to start with, I think it will take
- Libra
- Confusing wif libra man
This libra man is my old flame jus recently in jan tis yr we contact back..however we msg everyday..but as i am gemini i tend to msg long to compare to him..on feb as usual i will text n greet him n ask how os his day...but he nvr reply..after i msg him a
- What do you think about have a "long distance relationship" with a scorpio man?
I will go to my city soon and will get back later. We were talking a lot about of our future.
We were upset and he just recognised the situation what are we now. I still waiting for a residence permit (visa) and I can't make sure when will I get one. SO
- Being dumped by Gemini man after 6 years
He and I were together for over 6 years. He just suddenly broke up with me, at least that's how it feels. I now understand that he came to this decision after thinking about it for a month of two. He immediately wants to be friends and I feel like I can't
- Aquas and upbringing
How's your relationship with your parents and family in general?
And how was your family life?
Tell me more about your upbringing, will you?
Some people said that we're aloof, detached and so on. I'm just curious of how those things developed.
- Slow Moving Taureans
I'm a Virgo Sun, Pisces Moon who normally finds herself with Libras. Couple months ago I met a Taurus Sun, Virgo Moon online who I feel really good things about, but I'm not quite sure where I want things to go or if he'll stick around, but I want to give
- T-shirt for each sign
That T-shirt
I don't need Google - my wife knows everything!
Inspired me to make one for each sign!
So creative minds let's start!
For Capricorn:
When my husband took a dog to obedience school he had learned 2 commands too seriously for himsel
- Aqua man wants to marry me for visa, joke/not?
hi lovely Aquas! I have a question.
So last year in June I dated an Aqua for several times and we had great connection (but no sex) . He reveal his past and secrets to me, so we both trusted each other. But we both disappear due something.
Soo, last 4da
- What can predict family crisis
I've came across Info on family difficulties in 2017. However I can't find more info. What is responsible for family stability and how to find a good read about it?
One site was astroved and another I need to look up.
But both sites were talking about s
- Make a Safe Space forum
For the hypocrites of DXP
Thank you
- Cancer male perspective, please....Different behavior from Cancer male friend
My cancer male friend has started behaving differently towards me. We used to hang out and talk and have conversations. This past Saturday he was drinking beer, after he had quite the buzz. He told me, that I was trouble and that I was a dangerous woma
- Cap doesn't want to have sex
I've been dating this Cap man for a couple of months. He suddlenly told me he doesn't want to have any sexual contact avoiding kisses, sex, etc. -Just hugs-. He told me he wants a long term relationship and doesn't want sex involving at this stage. I alwa
- ? love Dorinda #Rhony
- Waking life influencing dreams?
I am cracking up as I'm struggling to put this to words. But this is the second time in 7 days that this has happened. Happened to anyone else?
Imagine you're sleeping, dreaming, seeing the randomest stuff in the world when all of the sudden (in the dr
- Trials, errors and tests...what has been your personal LESSON to learn in love?
Mines has been not to make my partner EVERYTHING. Yes its true, he's just a man! LoL! I used to look at my friend like :-O "But he is everything" i'd say in my mind. Bad road to go down. I think it gives way too much pressure, don't get me wrong i'm still
- Is he for real?
Man, where do I start? I met this Aquarius guy almost a year ago while in a relationship with someone else. He came to a cookout I had at my house Memorial day in 2016. He came with some friends of mine and was pretty cool. He was so cool that I wanted to
- Libra girlfriend won't tell me her sexuality
Been dating my libra girl for 7 months now with no discussion about sex between either of us. Just this evening while chatting, I asked her if she is a virgin, she became cold. I prodded further, she went offline, came back to tell me she's not telling me
- Cancer male's friends keep appearing in my life trying to...
Long story short, cancer guy's friends are still managing to "randomly" approach me, at first in a friendly manner, then eventually they switch and start to flirt. I tell them like I tell anyone, I don't feel the same way, but some will still try to date
- Curious about Sag women? Ask away!
Might as well every other signs doing it...let's do this! Ask me anything!
- Relationship Reading - Thoughts?
Curious, what you guys read here:
Relationship and it's qualities Reading:
Position 1: it's energy - 8 of cups
Position 2: it's communication - The Lovers
Position 3: it's strength - 10 of swords
Position 4: it's weakness - 8 of cups
Position 5
- retrograde
Is Mercury in retrograde??? I'm feeling like absolute crap. Just really down today, and I cannot figure out why...... I guess apart of me is sad things obviously didn't work out between gem and I. But then I try to replace all of the saddest thoughts abou