May 25, 2017
May 25, 2017 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 22.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On May 25
Topics Created On May 25, 2017
- Game of Thrones - Season 7
- DXP Survivor Part 4
- Any Capricorn Female & Aries Male couples out there?
I've posted something similar before but never really heard from any couples of this combination.
Happy to hear from either Capricorn or Aries as would like to hear both sides of the story.
I am Capricorn female married to an Aries male. .
- ? Being single never felt so good ?
Some times being out of romantic relationships feels really good ... would you agree ?
- The older I get the harder it is for me to let loose..
So I'll be 37 on Friday!! I want to go and just let loose. I find myself really struggle to do just that!! It's like I can't allow myself to let go. I LOVE to dance and now I just feel too old!! LOL Plus, I don't want to go to clubs, so where do I go
- Appreciate Art ❤
For more:
- Heritage
Why do people care about it? I've never understood the pride people have in their nationality, ancestry, race, local sports teams, etc. So if you're someone who cares about these things, please tell me why they matter to you. I'm curious.
- I really need a Virgo males advice
Was dealing with a Virgo male...things were amazing and then communication stopped...he would send mixed signals and then today he blocked me on Facebook and I'm truly in the dark because he pursued me for months before I gave in...would prefer a one on o
- Manipulative or truth?
Does Libras mean it when they say that they are hurt by you ? Actions speak louder than words. All of my friends are libras but my guy friend said i hurt him but i don't know how? I think he manipulates to get his way alot. He said he used to woman takin
- How to flirt with a leeb...
Without sounding like a grody harlot? Or maybe you guys like that kinda thing.... :) subtle or straight forward? Lay it on me leeeebers
- I need help plz for a Leo guy plz help me
Hello, the problem is I meet this Leo man in a online dating site which is a doctor. This guy is always busy in his work since 1 day he always reply 1 or 2 hours later after I send him a text . We were going to meet in person today at 7:30pm at a Starbuc
- Mixed signals or making a statement?
Ok, the backstory goes like this:
Me and my boy are still on the down-low phase. Being in any way with a man is new to him so he's pacing himself, no strings or definite attachments, just pure fun and on the outside we look like best friends. Of course
- Would someone with the following placements be considered strongly "plutonian" ?
Sun in 8th house
Scorpio Rising
Sun opposite Pluto
Moon conjunct Pluto
Mercury opposite pluto
Neptune sextile pluto
Lilith in Scorpio
- What is the major difference between a Scorpio man and a Taurus man?
I feel like whenever i read about these two, they come off as very similar. Id like to know the main differences in terms of habits and romantic behavior.
- When/If Libra Comes Back
What are the tell tale signs that a Libra (man or woman) is looking to rekindle things? What will they typically say/do to to get your attention again? Personal experience is always welcomed.
- Blown off?
How do Sagittarius people take rejection when they feel blown off? What is the typical response?
- Venus In leo folks
Hi Everyone !
I have a question regarding this placement . As a virgo w , I feel it makes me more passionate , enthousiastic , confident etc ... But it also makes me very loving and caring (might be because of other placement too) . However the one thi
- What did I just read???
Extracts from article:
"When I tell you that alcohol is a toxin I am not fucking with you I am being factual. Do you really think everything in the world is
- I posted a thing about the pluto Capricorn generation....
Youngali answered a thing that had nothing to do with it. So i asked her if she was aware of the pluto cap gen, so she loads off a concise text describing it very precisely, like a copy and paste. That's just pure spite, there's a lot of people like that
- Cancer guy
I knew I've seen this cancer guy somewhere when he appeared on my suggested Facebook friends. I added him and messaged him stating he looked familiar, he messaged back stating I as well looked familiar he just didn't know where from. I was on bumble recen
- Gemini man on social media
So, I have this Gemini co-worker, we are not the closest friends, but let's say I thought there's some interest going both ways, each time we met.
Today he has a birthday (by the way, Happy birthday to other Geminis as well!), so I just thought it would
- Help with interpretation?!
I did a three card layout about a love interest''s feelings toward me. The lay out is as follows:
Position 1 for what's known: 7 of cups
Position 2 for what's unknown: 10 of cups
Position 3 for what I need to know: 8 of pentacles
We are not together,
- Gems feeling guilty
Just had a conversation with my cancer mom and she had mentioned that feeling guilty is foreign to me.
I had admitted that she was right but I had never thought about it. Well...once when I was wondering why I don't feel guilty about my affair but I fo
- Sign who create their own drama?
Some people just can't help but create their own drama if their life doesn't seem fascinating enough.
- Sad to say my Libra and I have broken up, how do i get my things back
I am a Leo and I have posted about my Libra in the past being mean towards me. I allowed myself to excuse his behavior for too long to the point that I was on eggshells. I let him being paralyzed make me accept that he was just dealing with life this way
- Questioning where friendship stands with Scorpio Man
Hey forum so I am a Scorpio woman who had exchanged intimacy with a Scorpio man for a few days (like 2 1/2 years almost) . We remained very close friends after that, constantly texting and sending each other photos, jokes, exchanging knowledge and intera
- ❤️ Love is effortless ❤️ A Good Reminder ❤️️
It couldn't be said better:
Do you agree ???
- emotional manipulation between those people
can you tell me basing on those 4 charts why Taurus Gir cock-blocked me before the Virgo man?
Why Virgo man cock-blocked me before the Leo man?
i am Aries.
Its a mistery for me.
its this story i have been writing and telling since 1 yea
- Aries and Leo SEX
I just recently had the best sex OF MY LIFE with a Leo male.. So my question now is... Is the sex ALWAYS this great between a Leo and Aries??!
- Leo and Aries SEX?
I just recently had the best sex OF MY LIFE with a Leo male.. So my question now is... Is the sex ALWAYS this great between a Leo and Aries??! Yay or Nay.....?!
- @maxpower
Are you a woman? Realty?
Why are you being successfully married sitting here since at least 12 hours engaging into conversations of people with love problems giving half-ass useless advices?
If I was as you claim happily married I would DO stuff
- Help libra guy said i love you during sex !!!!
Im a Libra myself im just curious as to did he mean it????
- @Evoxxxscorpio
Ocho Cascadas
- Lacking A Certain Element
Does anyone else feel this way?
As a person who only has fire, earth, and air placements (in that order) .. I lack a lot of water. I'm not really able to process emotions as well as others which is strange because most of my friends have a lot of water
- I'm trying
To upload a new photo as my default & it's not allowing me to do it . Help lol