May 4, 2017
May 4, 2017 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 1.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On May 4
Topics Created On May 4, 2017
- Ignoring Aries
So I went to High school with this guy I'll call Bob. He messaged me and I always ignored him and he said I was a stuck up bitch. He moved to Washington and I got a job at Burger King and he moved back to Oklahoma and turns out he was a manager up there b
- Aries man
If you've tried to ignore Aries to get him back after being to clingy, did it work? And if so how long did it take before he finally came back around?
- My poor grandpa
He lost his wife if 67 years in March and has been absolutely devastated.
A few hours ago, he found out that he has liver cancer.
He mall walks every day and doesn't look or act a day over 75 (he's 90).
He just bought a brand new car on Saturday.
- The Fragility of Life (18+)
- Capricorn Question
I really like this Capricorn guy and I'm a Virgo woman. He's very playful with me always helping me out sometimes. Sometimes from the corner of my eye I can see him looking at me and staring at me. He's always staring at me. He tries to get my attention a
- New Mafia game coming soon
Omg its so much work im still working on them to make this game make sense lol.
@Nikkistar @Elle @Soul
Y'all better play when I'm ready with the finish product lmao.
- Fellas, what is the quickest you have ever made someone your girlfriend ?
What is your Sun, moon, and mars
- Cancer VS Scorpio VS Pisces
Cancer- more fiery (passionate)
Scorpio-more earthy (stable)
Pisces-more airy (idealistic)
Is this pretty accurate?
- Virgo man suddenly pulled away
- Do sagittarius males stay in relationships out of boredom?
Him and I dated for over a year, broke up for 4 months then got back together. he asked to make it official after 1 weeks of working on things when I said we didnt need titles yet until we were ready.
Can't tell if hes still IN LOVE with me or just love
- How to survive the North Korean atomic bomb
How to survive a nuclear attack by North Korea.
- Does my chart indicate a good life? Love?
November 16 1993
New Orleans, Louisiana
Sun, merc, jup, venus, Pluto in Scorpio
Moon in cap
Mars in sag
Saturn in aqua
I have hard aspects w/ my Saturn & I heard that's horrible to have. Also all of my Scorpio planets are in my 6th house
- Pisces guy&Aries girl situation
Okay, hi, here is my story. I'm an Aries girl, the guy I like is a pisces.
He was in a long term relationship with an aquarius girl for like 5 years. They broke up like 9 months ago. Since that he and I have been getting closer, suble touches, fb likes,
- I think I lost this Scorpio, is there anything I can do?
Scorpio ladies I need your help and guidance please. I don't want to lose this one but I'm positive that I have. I've dated this one for almost 2.5 months. First date wasn't great because she made me wait at her work while she was supervising a show. And
- Do we bull need tangible gifts to feel love?
???? If you don't receive a gift from your loved ones or someone u r seeing, how would u feel? is it just me that I expect something small from him?? Is this materialist Taurus talking?
- Friend zone
- Virg guy issues help !
Im a gemini gal started dating a virgo guy a few months bk, everythingvwas going well until he was blowin hot and cold and adding loads of gals on i ended things because i was scared he was gona hurt me n felt like hed been lying to me few days la
- Tattoos in the Workplace
Hi All,
So nowadays policies in the workplace has become more lenient on exposed tattoos as long as they are not offensive.
I work in a corporate environment in which they do not have a tattoo policy. However, majority of the folks I work with ar
- Mirror points.
Who uses them? Do they really hold any symbolism? Yay or nay my fellow forumers?
I am fed up with moon in Aquarius need for space. What is the purpose of this? WTF! Why don't other moons need as much fucking space!! It hurts people's feelings...what can be done?
- Ladies...would you be mad if your man....
Transferred $25,000 to your account, for say example you mentioned school fees you were currently paying off...
Long term relationship.
- Virguy feeling negative and insecure, how to deal?
So my Virguy friend has been very negative lately, and running his mouth about people.
He said something very dumb last night, and has apologized. However, I'm still pissed off.
We're working together today bleh, I'm not going to let it affect my
- What Constitutes a "Death Sentence"?
Making this thread to help clarify things.
- Let it go?
Tonight i let it go,all the pain,all the suffering,all the hurt,i've kept it so long my heart is in agony,but tonight finally i can,as i held my pillow tight i can finally cry like a river
Because no one is watching
No one is here to stop my tears tha
- Mercury?
Any other virgos with a frustrating libra mercury? lmao
Also, virgos with leo and virgo mercury... how do you communicate?
- About Cap Moon or Mars or Virgo Venus people
Backstory: Virgo friend (he's immature as fuck) posted a video of me saying a line in my unique and possibly funny Asian accent, tagged two of my former crushes and my current one to grab their attention, I'm embarassed as fuck in real life and I'm worrie
- Men and disappearance
It just hit me!
When women talking about why men go to men caves and trying to make sense of it...could that be that man has 3 women.
He spends week 1 with one.
Then goes to spend week 2 with second one (thanks pharmaceuticals for condoms)...
Then spe
- How is Pluto treating yoi
Anyone feeling anything?
I read we going to achieve peace!
Not feeling it...yet.
- What happens when a Scorpio loses control?
Since they like to control everything what will happen if a Scorpio loses control over the person they like? What will be the next move?
- Cancer chaos
Hi, so I need advise pleeez... theres a cancer guy I met about 2 months ago, he seemed really into me and still is, he wants to hook up every now and then...but I am getting feelings we are so intimate on an emotional and sexual level but I told him I hav
- Libra How Do Deal With Aquarius or Aquarius Moon need for Space
- What do you feel when you look at someone who has the ASC in the same sign of your Moon?
For example, lets suppose that you have a gemini moon, what do you feel when you look at a gemini rising person?
- Abstract Love.
Which sun signs believe that love is abstract?
I do. (Aquarius sun)
Venus probably influences as well.
(Venus in Pisces)
- Charlotte Flair leaks.......where is the barf bag???
Click the link at your own peril. And if you were ready to fap.....think again. At least the Hulkster made more effort to look presentable.
- why has this gemini stopped making advances??
I have been seeing a gemini male for the last 2 months almost every night. We've been having sex atleast 1-2 times a day morning and night. On the last sunday we spent half the day in bed having sex. He has said he does not have feelings for me and I am t
- Do a lot of dads abandon their families?
What do you think? And is it like a "giving up on" they consider the, good as dead?
- Do cancer man ever go back to the woman he loved?
With the one you shared the most beautiful moments.. with the one you always planned your future.. the one who always worked things out.. who was always there for you.. for the one you waited for almost an year..
To all the cancer people.. will you ev
- Why Do People Delete Topics?
I'm not referring to topics of a personal nature, that's obvious. I'm talking about just random fun topics. I sometimes find myself in the midst of a detailed response, only to find that the topic has been hidden/removed. Why is this, what's the motivatio
- Money is my happiness, not my ex! (Repeat mantra)
Don't mind me. I'm going to start on a new journey in life.
Wish me luck ?