May 6, 2017
May 6, 2017 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On May 6
Topics Created On May 6, 2017
- Question for Scorpios
Google Image Result
- Scorpio internal
Post a pic that describes your most recent deepest emotion.
Please don't ignore this, I want to understand.
- Pop Rock/Punk...whatevs
Not sure there's already a thread for "pop rock/punk/emo" etc (it's all rock to me so whatevs, lol) here goes! :)
Prob my fav Blink song...hard to choose a favorite though.
- This guy using constellations to predict something September 23 2017
It's interesting.
Very very interesting.
- In love and hurt with a Taurus man...
this may be long so i appreciate anyone who reads this.
So im a Cancer woman (22) & me and my Taurus(24) have been dating for what will be 1 YEAR June 12th. he is the one who approached me first... it took me about 2 weeks to get to really like him ( he
- Was dating a cancer woman who recently broke up and it was great until she said was confused...
She is 27, I'm 25. We met each other at work on December, and kept contact almost everyday since then. She broke up with her 2yr boyfriend in the middle of January and we went out for the first time in late February. We really bonded well and she told me
- Yo, a chart reading please? :)
Never had my chart read - oooh la la :P (wow I'm lame lol) anywho...can someone just tell me like, an overview? I don't have anything specific in mind, just curious.
- What Does Ice Pack Do For Torn Ligaments
My doctor suggested that I put an ice pack on my torn ligaments but I just don't see the purpose of it is anybody know why it's suggested to ice an injured or torn ligament?
- Why libra men so difficult to understand
I don't get why me and libras can't see eye to eye. I want to know why is it hard for them to open up. They open a lil and shut you out when things are getting interesting. I guess i won't get it but i just wanted views on that. I have libra friends but
- Taurus Man Full of Bull
Okay i been hooking up with a taurus man from some time now. He one minute acts like he likes me then the next he is disrespecting me. I know it's hard to understand him from what i see he is jealous alot and is very sexual. One day he told me he loved me
- Scorpio ex betrayed me (Pisces)
So I'm a Pisces and my Scorpio ex was the most amazing person I have ever met he did everything for me mentally ,psychically ,financially never felt a love like it connection was so strong I knew everything he was going to say before he said it vice versa
- What made you realise you love someone?
A sense of lost? them dating other people? They giving you love? Them being hard to get? Them playing game? Them showing u consistency? Them loving you so hard and you fall? I'm curious, what's ur sun and venus too?
- Hormonal therapy through food.
Has anyone ever tried this?
- Is scorpio loyal in a relationship?
Since half year ago he wants me to be his girlfriend. And we are all good even I am a Gemini.
Recently I have to move out from my old place for some reasons, and i am staying in his place now. We are working together at his place, and I can see what he i
- Guess her ascendant :P
- Virgos is that your personality?
He is working with me and I like him a lot. Sometimes I can see from his actions that he likes me too. He even he asked me for my number. He was calling me every day, every hour and asking about me.
He touches my hands as if he doesn't [????]
He t
- Fishing Thread
I love to go fishing. Since I was a kid with my grandfather. When is the first time you went fishing and with whom? If you're a good fisherman, would you mind sparing some tips to those who are starting to learn this hobby. Do you go catch and release
- Libra man texting me every single day after he breaks up with me
This is just so confusing to me. Me and my Libra officially dated for 3 years. And within the last year, things got rocky. Especially in the last months due to lack of proper communication. And then he decided to break up with me. I was devastated. I was
- Fellow caps ,Why are we such jerks?
I think that sometimes I'm just prone to assholery. Even though I don't mean to be a jerk. Also why do we push people away when they get too close. I really hate myself sometimes.
- Anytiing new in sex world?
Want to know if there are sites that teaching you some sexual techniques that makes you better in bed, making you new and shocking to your partner?
Just step off from food old to a good new! Like in Japan geishas were tought art of love!
I had rece
- fashion guru
I was amazed. Will picks really good clothes that look good on me. We just bought 3 polos a while ago. He then said to me, "I will be your Fashion Guru".
But damn Will and his friends drink liquor every weekend so while I want to hang out with them and
- thank you cloudy
For bumping my threads.
Lotsa love,
- Gemini mars men , horny
I'm talking to a Gemini mars and we always end up somewhat defying over the phone. I'm naturally a sexual person too so it easily lead to that
But I've been reading a lot about Gemini mars n it seems like they can go from one girl to the next .. does
- How to attract a pisces guy?
Just asking generally. And would appreciate answers from pisces guys on ways they get attracted to a girl.
- What signs are the most common in the following places...
1. Gym
2. Library
3. Park
4. Nightclub
5. Beach
- Breaking up with Aqua
Hi All,
I've been with my Aqua for a bit over a year and although I really love him but we aren't compatible. The last few months have been especially draining (relationship, finances, everything). I feel better when we're apart.
We've been arguing
- Outside perspective on Virgo situation
So, I am in love with said Virgo man. The connection we have has spanned so many years but we lost touch etc. He got back in touch 10 months ago after seeking me out specifically. We re-connected instantly and despite reservations due to the distance we c
- Does this Capricorn guy like me ?
Hi I'm an Aquarius and I've been friends with this Capricorn male for a year and 5 months . He is 17 . Yes we are young but I can still like somebody . So this year in November he had told me he liked me since last year when we met in September . At that
- hints for scorpio
what subtle hints(to show i like her) should i give to a scorpio girl? ( ்̓˟்̓)
- How do you deal with you procrastination?
I hate that i procrastinate sometimes and i dont know how to get myself out of it. Any tips/advices appreciated.
- Do you feel
- Leo mennnnn
You guys are officially the best fixed sun males
Idk why you guys don't get more recognition
Like screw Scorpios and Tauruses
They're shitty and overrated
You guys are the real stars ??
Stay hidden, don't expose yourself to the terrible wor