May 18, 2017
May 18, 2017 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 6.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On May 18
Topics Created On May 18, 2017
- PLEASE HELP! I'm so confused!
I've met this cancer man on a dating app, we exchanged numbers and got talking. I'm from Singapore and he's in Miami. We eventually moved on to video calls and voice messages but still texting whenever we can.
He wants to get out of the US so he had ask
- Opinions?
Any opinions? Get ready ?
I'm a:
Scorpio Ascendant
Virgo Sun in the 10th
Pisces Moon in the 4th
Libra Mercury in the 11th
Scorpio Venus in the 12th
Cancer Mars is the 8th
Scorpio Pluto in the 1st
Scorpio True Node in the 12th
Virgo Chiron in t
- Synastry help anyone?
Just recently started with him, he's on the outside. Any help appreciated!
- How do I turn on a beautiful Virgo woman?
She's been pushing and pulling me away. I'm a cancer and in the beginning everything went right. Then out of know where she went cold and distant. I initiate communication she's very responsive but I have to always make the first move . It's very annoying
- Aquarius moon and Capricorn moon
So my boyfriend is a sagittarius but he has a capricorn moon. I am a cancer sun with a aquarius moon. he and i get along super well when it comes to most things because we think a lot alike but there are definitely times i find myself starting to get bore
- A mommy now
To a wassupposedtobeariesbut a Pisces baby.
- Mercury in Aquarius?
I am a Cap female and Aquarius males seem to have an affinity toward me.
Could this be the reason why?
Does anyone else have Mercury in Aquarius? Tell me what you think.
- Time Traveling Hippies of Italy
Italian hippies and their time travel machine.
- Great Things that Happened During Your Year of Birth
Aside from your birth of course.
I was born in 1987 and I discovered that it was a year of good movies. :)
February 2. The current Philippine constitution was ratified.
August 21. Dirty Dancing was released.
August 28. Babette's Feast was rele
- do you like guys with good physique?
Does it turn you on?
- Desperately Seeking Pisces
I am a Scorpio female who, after 30+ years of dating, has not met 1 Pisces man. I have always read that Pisces and Scorpio make the best match but all I ever seem to ever hook up with are Libra, Gemini, and Sagittarius, all of whom have turned out to be d
- Scorpio male and Pisces girl - Gemstone? Advice?
Hello there,
I need help. I am a 17 year old Pisces and my boyfriend is a 20 year old Scorpio. We've been together for 6 months and a lot happened. If you want to know what this is, I'm more than happy to tell you, because you'll understand the situati
- Musicians Gone Too Soon
Please post songs that have moved you by musicians that have passed on from this world... I'll start with Chris Cornell because I'm so saddened by his death. Soundgarden's music helped me through a really trying time in my life after having my home hit b
- Class System and Relationships
Hi All,
Not to sound superficial of any kind, but I do have a question pertaining to class and relationships.
Can the class you were raised in affecting the outcome of relationship compatibility?
Example: Upper middle class girl from suburbia who
- Please help me understand how a Libra mind works
Hi all,
I have virtually no experience with Libra people as so far I never happened to have close friends or partners from this star sign. A few months ago I met a Libra man and I am now trying to make sense of his (weird) behavior. I am Taurus with Mo
- Aries jump out of relationships just as fast as they jump in???
How true? Mine doesn't seem like this, also from past relationships as he has told me he's actually strung it out longer than he should have hoping it would get better....?
- My Pisces friend believe there are 3 types of men...
Those who need a mother type, those who need a daughter type (or to be like the father in the relationship) and those who need a wife???
- Your year of birth...
Found this book on google books preview that has sections with how we are based on our birth year. Can't find all of them but I'll post some at least.
- Do you Scorps feeling chamges
...due to this new transitions or retrograde? Like life is getting on your nerves and you feeling suffocated and irritable and exhausted emotionally?
- Cancer men
Do Cancer men discuss their love lives with friends for advice? Or do you try to figure that stuff out yourselves? Do you look for encouragement in that area from your friends? Thanks!
- The man that spoke to my soul
RIP Chris Cornell.
You were not my blowing wind, you were the lightning.
- To EvatheDiva
Finally have time to tell you how sweet and nice you are.
However your pre-typed signature
cyber hugs!
Always reminds me of the mail I had received in my business addressed to the previous owner before the last one.
So they've bee
- Taurus w/ a Pisces Moon
Tell me how you feel about these people?
- Ever betray a Taurus?
What was the aftermath?...
- Clingy Cancer
So I've read cancers can be possesive and somewhat clingy when they are highly interested in/dating someone. *Just what I've read from numerous sources*
Question is, do Cancer men (or women) like the clingyness or possessiveness back in return as well
- Messed up roomate situation
5 months we have ups and downs. but this was supposed to be temporary. I'm getting ready to upgrade my place and at the time, i invited her to come if she so wished. She's not on the lease.
But, in the past, she punched me twice (I did this hit back I
- Help...really confused...DO NOT KNOW what this could be
So I met this Taurus guy/Aries Moon off a dating app. I am a Cancer/Scorpio moon. We ended up living about 5km away from each other. Talked for a week, non-stop, back and forth before I suggested coffee. We met for what was supposed to be a quick coffee b
- Looking for mature (over 18) Scorpio run away with.
No benefits no promises no money offered.'s not craiglist is it?
- Since I've already given her you think my pisces will forgive me?
Thinking about sending her a handwritten apology with a miniature version of the video game console she told me during the first night we hung out she used to love to play with her brother as a kid growing up.....
Part of the note will read'
"can w