January 6, 2018
January 6, 2018 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On January 6
Topics Created On January 6, 2018
- Need help with a cancer guy
Quick background. My husband cheats on me so our marriage is over (filing for divorce soon)
Got very close to this cancer guy who belongs to the same charity organization I do and we both have executive position. We hung out a few times, got extremely cl
- Mia Farrow's life
when i was watching the movie biography on her and Woody Allen, she's an interesting woman who really loves children. She wanted to adopt more children,
and Woody Allen was upset she wanted to have more children making puns that he would end up paying fo
- Do guys like it / find it cute when.....
their girlfriends wear their clothes?
e.g- Old sweaters
or even undies? etc....
- Scorpio voice
Have anyone ever met a Scorpio man with a voice that aren’t deep underground tone? Like girly squeaky tone? Or something not sexy?
Or list some Scorpios qualities that aren’t sexy. But only if you dealt with it yourself. Like...something un-appealing..
- Thanks to all the answers to
Thank-you to everyone that replied to my question yesterday of 20yr. friendship. I'm new on here & old & so dumb that I don't know how to reply to each individual question...lol. (The Cappy friend has an Aqua Venus & a Sag. moon. She isn't closer to eith
- Advice on Gemini man
I am a Virgo sun Sagittarius moon who was involved with a Gemini man just about one year ago. I am a 30-year-old female and he is a 27-year-old male. We both work in the film industry and that's how we met each other. When we originally met
- Scorpio guy
Idk if I want advice or if I just need to vent. Long story short, met on a dating site, talked for weeks, made plans to meet, then he ended up ghosting, only to reappear a few days after the plans we made. He kept texting me and I ignored him until he ask
- Man attacked by ET while bowhunting Bear
Man attacked by ET while bear hunting with bow.
- Men ...How often do you masturbate?
How often do you tug the slug... liquidate the inventory..discover your own potential when you are single vs when you are in a relationship?
State sun moon and mars
- Ladies how often do you double click your mouse?
aka how often do you masturbate
when you are single vs when you are in a relationship
and state sun venus moon and mars
- married Taurus woman and married Vigro man
hi all
this is the first time I post here, hope someone can give me some advice especially Vigro man or anyone who know Vigro man.
We are both married and have children of our own.
I know this Vigro guy a few years ago and recently related to some i
- He doesn't seem to want to admit his feelings for me
I've been reading these boards for some months now trying to gain clarity on my situation.
I was introduced to a fellow Taurus back in April last year. We became really close, we would talk every day, spend time alone together - he would light candles
- What are inexcusable No goS?
What are behaviors you would never or hardly forgive? Here are mine:
- Using intimate and confidential Information against me, even in an outburst. The trust is gone and
there is no turning back
- Bossiness
- Manipulation
- Name callin
- Breaking Up with a Libra?
I have been dating a Libra since a year. Major cons for me: Sometimes all the love can get suffocating. Indecisive, as wants to only make the best decision. He's overly concerned with appearances, his own that is. Spends truckloads of money on clothing et
- 5 years ago today
my eyes fell upon the most beautiful man I'd ever seen in my life. I was instantly smitten and at that moment my life changed forever.
You need not worry about the Evans and the Jacksons of the world, because they could never come within a light year o
- Help me fellow scorps :(
Fellow Scorpios how do you deal and handle your negative traits? I go so deep inside my head I literally give myself anxiety all the time... I love being a Scorpio we have amazing qualities but sometimes the negative traits are too much.. why must we feel
WTF does it mean?
Man avoiding sex with a woman who whowing him affection and he is touching, kissing her and ‘almost’ dating her because he is afraid of his feelings???
How does it go?
I really like her...oy!...but I’m afraid.
What are you afraid of
- Venus in Aries
Do you have this placement? How do you date? What's a good match for us? Lol seems impossible to find one!