January 15, 2018
January 15, 2018 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On January 15
Topics Created On January 15, 2018
- What are the elements/positions in your chart that you think attractive or charming?
3rd decan scorpio sun
3rd decan pisces rising
Capricorn venus and mars
Venus square saturn Venus conjunction mars?
Is this a good combo and what is yours?
- Noticed
I have most of the placements that get a bad wrap on this board 🤣
- My friend who has a girlfriend kissed me again. why?
We are friends (not so close) but always flirted and stared each other.. he kissed me even once, but right away I learned that he made a relationship.
One day, we were together and talked about all night.. then he kissed me but I stopped him. I asked h
- I have the psychic gifts of empathy, telepathy and clearsentience
Are you dealing with possible doubts or questions that you can't seem to find the answers to or you don't know where to look for them?
I can help you by using my psychic gifts of discernment, telepathy, empathy and clearsentient and look in your
- pisces male vs. sag gal
Hello, I'm a Sagittarius girl who likes a Pisces boy. He's technically an aries and pisces cusp but either way, he acts more like a pisces. Him and I started dating for about a month and everything was going so well. We both went on cute dates to places n
- Natal Venus in the 1st House ♥
Venus is the most beneficial planet after Jupiter, and the house where it is placed is usually blessed and prosperous, offering to the native the best traits that it can give. When Venus is located in the 1st house, the house of the self, its effects can
- Mars and Venus conjunction in Aries
Do you have a mars and venus conjunction in Aries? How does it affect you personally. Just trying to get information from people who have this pairing. Info I have found is confusing. Once I saw it being compared to Mario's fire flower. What's your experi
- This is my favourite Taurus (for those who speak german)
I discovered a typical Taurus in german tv:
Have fun with that,
- New Blog Post: My Musical Memory Lane
Your thoughts?
- New York Teacher Injured as She Attempts Time Travel
New York teacher injured as she attempts Time Travel.
- How would a cancer man take me asking him for some space
How do you think a cancer man take his girlfriend asking for space ?
If you’re a cancer how would you take it ?
- WHY DO WE DO THIS ?! Am I the Only One
One thing I’ve realized about Pisces is that we tend to be so stuck within our own imaginary worlds and trying to survive without having an emotional break down that we take longer to realize when things start or end ? Like I can date someone for 4-5month
- East los High on Hulu
Am I the only person who watches this show on Hulu ? I’m like totally obsessed I’m on season 4 , and I can’t wait to finish it ! I just wish I could find a bigger fan base I wanna gossip
- should i reach out or let him?
Hi guys,
As you can tell by my name, I am triple Aries and I've recently met my first Cancer.
We were on a plane together coming back from Thailand. He lives in Spain, I'm in Italy. There is a significant age difference. (He's younger).
He was
- My Aries girlfriend is in an open relationship
I'm Aquarian, I just started this relationship with my girlfriend, an Aries, one week ago, so its a new one.
Last night, she woke me up with a text that she has something to tell me, that she knows I'll be angry. I prodded her to tell me whatever it is,
- HELP with Leo Woman that doesn't give me attention
Hello I have fallen in love with a leo girl, she is ultra extrovert and very social. I'm also the same social, extrovert and I would say we are both very good looking. When we met it was like love at first sight after I approached her she seemed very into
- Communication
Pointers on how i can improve our communication style. I been dating my leo since July 2017. He was all over me at the beginning but now he seem distance. We were introduced through his cousin who is my best friend. They've had a fallen out and i feel lik
- How is the Jupiter Transit in Scorpio .....
.....affecting you Scorpios?
Have you noticed life feeling more optimistic ? The transit is here until November this year and I can definitely feel the affects of Jupiter hitting, or about to hit five of my planets
I have plans for two trips abroa
- How do you handle your clinginess fellow scorps
I've gotten super obsessed with my Cancer man and I thought he was supposed to be the more clingier one but I've definitely got him beat.. at least I think or he hides his well. Which might be because of my placements but how do you guys handle the clingi
- Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Game Thread)
MONDAY, 1/15/18
Roles will be distributed 15 minutes prior to game start.
You will receive 2 PM's from me, the second will be your role.
- Should I reach out or not
Okay guys. I’m back. Confusing Capricorn thread needed to die down, so I figured I’d start a new one.
One month has passed since I sent my closure text to my cap (view previous thread if interested in all the nonsense), and I still miss him, if not ev
- Signs Aquarius man wants you back
What are lowkey signs for Aqua male of wanting the other person back?
- Cranberries lead singer Delores O'Diordan Dead at 46
Leave your respects or lack thereof in replies below.
- They don't call you
tricksters of the zodiac for nothing.
- are leos more of a cat or dog person
this may just be down to individual preference, but i was curious to see which out of the two leos prefer.
for me i definitely prefer cats over dogs, although it can be argued that dogs show more affection, cats are just all around so loveable and ado
- Cancers description pls
Any info appreciated!
The chemistry off charts and it’s scaaaary!!!! Lol
- Cancer Ex Boyfriend keeps messaging
Ok. Brief as possible but I’ll try and get all details in. Met cancer man year ago. First wife passed away, 2nd wife left him for another man. He met me (online dating) few months later. We dated. Fell for each other. Ex wife kept texting him confusing hi
- help how can i get this boy to like me I'm the shit fr
i like a pisces guy but he doesn't seem into me and when i asked to see him he stopped responding after talking to me a lot yesterday . he's been texting then disappearing i want to just throw my towel in and call it quits but i can't bc i have a crush on
- Need some fellow sag insight
I have this Sagittarius male friend. We started to be friends around 4 months ago. I also have another Sagittarius friend who is a girl but it doesn’t have anything to do with her. She’s absolutely amazing and says I’m the most genuine person she knows.
- Family Feud
Wondering if show was cancelled after this:
The stupidest thing!
Name an animal that can fit in your underwear???
Answers: mouse, hampster, baby kitten, gerbil, snake, squirrel...
Like WTF? What moron came up with this question and WHY in the wor