January 7, 2018
January 7, 2018 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 1.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On January 7
Topics Created On January 7, 2018
- Is my Scorpio really losing it?
I’ve refrained from posting it though I’ve talked to some over on and I am now want to break this gloom and doom Saturday nonsense to spice up this place and make it roar! I need some shot in my face...
While ago he told me about his house party that h
- Virgo /Leo compatibility
Of course it depends on the individuals and their chart but generally speaking any virgos friends with a leo of the opposite sex or had a successful romantic relationship with one?
- Rabbit sex dream
I had a sex dream about Rabbit. We didn't actually have sex, but I wanted to do him in the worst way and he had a very nice cock.
I figured since my perception of him is loving devoted husband and father. This is my subconscious telling me I should be
- Dear Americans who enjoy travelling
I have met Usexpats recently. Guys youre living in a country that Arctic climates, tropic jungle, desert, glamorous citys, caribbean beaches, and more. You could spend a livetime taking holidays in your own country. I am not saying dont live abroad, j
- Love
Has anyone ever dated a cancer female?
- Break up
Hello I’m not sure if anyone can help me with this one but here goes nothing. I’m an Aquarius woman who was dating a cancer woman. When we first met everything was perfect but about after a month & a half things went down hill.. she became very distant an
- Natal Chiron in the 3rd House 📚💊
Natal Chiron n the 3rd house of a natal chart indicates some emotional wounds connected with communication, or with the native’s siblings. The third house rules our interactions with the immediate environment, and thus its presence there shows unresolved
- Libra different personalities...is he ready for a relationship?
I’ve been dating this libra guy for about 5 months now. we call each other bf/gf but he’s never officially asked me the question to be his actual girlfriend. Weird..
Anyways..when I first met him he was living with 2 roommates (one was a girl, who has be
- Moon square Pluto - emotionally doomed?
Do you have this aspect with a tight orb?
Tell me about your emotions and if you had/have any serious struggles managing your feelings? How was your relationship with your mother?
- Instant Connects
Hey guys, I'm a sucker for instant connections. So want to share some of mine and hear yours. Post your and their placements and a little info on your connection; I want to see if there are any patterns.
Here are my recent ones:
1) Made a new friend
- why do Virgos influence me so deeply ( like any other sign)?
i have a question to all Virgo men!!!
I am aries 27 years old ARIES. ALmost all my life I attract Fire signs and VIRGOS.
I am attractive but a bit shy. I do not come to the party or a business meeting loudly, i am reserved, not shy but i know h
- Ancestry DNA
Anybody done it? Were your results what you expected? Were you impressed or disappointed?
- why do Virgos influence me so deeply ( like any other sign)?
i have a question to all Virgo men!!!
I am aries 27 years old ARIES. ALmost all my life I attract Fire signs and VIRGOS.
I am attractive but a bit shy. I do not come to the party or a business meeting loudly, i am reserved, not shy but i know h
- Leo Men I need your Advice
Hi Everyone,
Please be kind to me, I'm completely new to this. I really need some advice... Leo Men, do you guys admit fault? Do you always only see things from your perspective or are you open to hearing another person out? My Leo man and I got into
- libra man is making a lot of Trouble
Hello. Me And my 2 best friends met this Group of Amazing People And since Then WE Are like a Family. Im a Leo Woman And Know libra men very good . This guy loves me but Not in a romantical way . He has something with my friend which really hurt me .right
- Clueless
I have no idea how to love this man that I'm in a relationship with. I thought that love was supposed to be warm and effortlessly given and received. This seems like way too much work and he doesn't even appreciate my effort. I don't know what more he wan
- Clueless
I have no idea how to love this man that I'm in a relationship with. I thought that love was supposed to be warm and effortlessly given and received. This seems like way too much work and he doesn't even appreciate my effort. I don't know what more he wan
- Pluto conjunction black moon lilith natal
Anyone can explain what is this aspect all about?
Is it the challenge of freedom vs commitment?