January 9, 2018
January 9, 2018 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On January 9
Topics Created On January 9, 2018
- Libra woman and Virgo man compatibility
hey everyone
I am a 20-year-old Libra female who has fallen for a Virgo man. I was born on October 8 and he is born on September 10. He is actually the first man I have ever felt like this for. He is very good looking, has a very good style of dressing
- *A zombie goat hoof reaches out for you*
What do you do?
- Capricorn FWB?
I've been friends with a Capricorn man for five years, someone I loved platonically and never thought about dating or hooking up with until something happened a few months ago. One day I accidentally ticked his name on Snapchat and sent him a "suggestive"
- *Yawns*
So who else died on the Cap board and who is the current Alpha-Capricorn here?
so many people say ‘be humble’
but how do you go about having this trait?
I’m not talking about false humbility but about those who have truly reached the highest of human potentials and walk in humility and wisdom.
How does one reach this phase?
- Best Skin Care Routine
I'm talking about from A to Z. Daily, weekly, monthly routine. Share your insight on what type of skin you have and how you handle it.
- Natal Part of Fortune in the 12th House 🔮➕
Before exploring the attributes of the Part of Fortune in the 12th House, explaining what this Arabic Part is might be needed. The Part of Fortune is an astrological point which can be calculated with the help of the Sun placement, the Moon placement, and
- No Words
Anyone on this site highly sensitive?
Anyone here just give up on talking?
So much I want to say but it cant come out anymore.
- Signs a cancer man likes you
I met this Cancer guy (Leo cusp) at work, and he's a huge flirt. I have a crush on him, and I wonder if he has a crush on me too or if he's just flirting (I can't tell). He's always flirting with me, and telling me I'm beautiful, and he'll finish a projec
- Married cancer friend keep texting Aquarius woman
Hi there! So I met this cancer guy like 6 years ago, we became very good friends, we used to talk all the time, I must admit that I felt attracted to him and I believe he felt the same way but we were only friend. One day we went out and we starting kissi
- Y
- Australia's living philosophy
There are some people here that live in Austrailia,
and @Arielle83 says that it's a highly chauvinistic /patriarchal country
what is the living conditions there for a single woman and some married women too
that they dislike the way the country's
- Man Caves
Something a bit more interesting (without the swishy Jack Sparrow movie on the big screen):
- Female Scorpio loves to tell me about her dating history
A little background: She is in her mid 20s, I (a man) am in my early 30s. She and I have become very good friends, but for a decent part of our friendship she has been almost pathological in telling me stories, usually funny, about all the guys she has da
- Science fiction movie "They Live" is based on a true story!
I'll never forget seeing They Live in the theaters with a few friends. Walking out of the theater they said that was the worst movie they had ever seen. I was blown away cause I loved it. Bought it on every format over the years. I wish it was made into a
- Advice/explanation please....
Hi, new to this site...not sure how I ended here but was looking for something anywhere to help me get through something.
I (Pisces) met a Scorpio woman online about a month and a half ago. We had a lot in common: both are single parents, enjoy the simpl
- Libra woman and Virgo man compatibility
hey everyone
I am a 20-year-old Libra female who has fallen for a Virgo man. I was born on October 8 and he is born on September 10. He is actually the first man I have ever felt like this for. He is very good looking, has a very good style of dressing
- are virgo men attracted to libra women
There is this Virgo guy and I am really attracted to him as a Libra woman. IDK if they are attracted to Libras or not. I get along with the majority of star signs really well and I have read that most people find Libras attractive.
- Men with moon in leo ! Can someone describe how are they in romantic relationship
- Gemini 4th house - Emotional Intelligence?!
4th house rules emotions, home and its one's most private space in the natal chart. Gemini is the mutable air and represent the learning process.
- Are Geminis and Gemini mooners slobs?
I know that there are some neat ones on this planet, but the ones that I know are ugh!!
- What do you guys think? Ponder....
The earth element=Dominant humans
The water element=Dominant fish
The air element =Dominant spirits
The fire element=Dominant demons
- anal
anyone ever do anal here and pull out with rotten cocoa on their members?
- Wondering
If there is a certain placement or aspect that determines if you’re a mirrorer .. I’ve always known I mirror but I seem to do it more now, not deliberately, it’s automatic
- Single Mom...Help Me Understand My Son?
This is the chart of my 5 year old son. I’m very new to chart reading but hoping I can use astrology as a way to help me understand him better. Anyone care to take a stab at it? I would be greatly appreciative of any insight whatsoever! ♥️
Thanks in ad
- Rug Vibes
My Gem moon is overwhelmed picking out vibes, I could go in any of these directions... Opinions?
Dark Grey and moody
1) https://postimg.org/image/6a9f8xin9/
2) https://postimg.org/image/m8i4z3fg5/
Light and Natural
3) https://postimg.org/im
- Help me choose a printer for school
I'm having a hard time deciding on a printer .
Do any of you have multifunction laser printer that you have , love , and personally recommend?
I wasted $100 on my last hp ink printer
and most of the printers i've seriously consi
- Your Transits
What are your current Transits?
How are you feeling?
Mine are friggin massive:
Sun conjunct Venus 0.11
Venus conjunct Venus 0.1
Mars sextile Venus 0.4
Jupiter sextile Venus 1.25
Pluto conj Venus 0.43
Sun trine Mars 0.23
Venus tr
- Astrology Memes