January 4, 2018
January 4, 2018 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsTopics Created On January 4, 2018
- Should I...
Don't wanna do too much background but if you look at my old post you'll see some...
Anyways one night back in August this Cap guy invited me over to his house and after we've listened to music, talk about each other's days, and laugh about stuff then
- Aries vs Pisces
Aries woman vs Pisces woman
Aries man vs Pisces man
- I'm Confused
me and this aries guy 4/19, on the taurus cusp actually, have known each other a very long time, i used to reject him, but a year later he sparked my interest, i always thought he was a bit misogynistic which is very unattractive to me, a scorpio 11/22 sa
- Some assistance please. Never lasting relationships and douchebag guys
Hi there. I’m a 39 year old Piscean woman. Divorced and with kids. Throughout my life relationships comes and goes. My friends said that I picked the wrong kind. The ones that needed to be saved....douchebags...etc.
Married once and not out of love. Out
- Insights on you Geminis pleaseeee
Iv been chatting to this Gemini via snap chat he's sooo cute but moody type thing he don't smile. We message all through out the day and night he says cute things and said he would take me to a game of football but I shut it down... I know you guys are fl
- The Scorpio look
Ever catch yourself in the act of giving someone you love or like the "Scorpio stare" for the first time?
Surely did this today and almost scared my dang self😂
- what we sensor ourselves from
so about the youtube dude that posted a dead body on YouTube from the Japanese suicide forest.
It was all over the news and Society has shamed him for this.
But why do "we" deem this as wrong... is it that we have such a hard time facing death and
- cure for cancer or wipe out all cancers
which one?
- cap man scorpio woman relationship
hi all...i’ve just recently started dating a scorpio woman and everything is pretty good so far.
is this generally a good combo?
- Do Scorpios tend to mask their feelings if they aren’t ready?
I slept with one on nye. It was my good friend’s brother. We promised to keep it a secret.. and I am fine with that. We later talked when she wasn’t around about everything bc I wanted to see if he regretted it. I also wanted to know if it was just sex. H
- Boundaries
What are your boundaries for both romantic and familial relationships? Also, please state your sun/mars and mercury. I'm curious to see if there is any commonality between boundaries and sign/placement.
For me:
My boundaries for f
- my pisces man came back
hi guys!
I just wanted to share my story in case this could help anyone in the same circumstance and I def know because I read like 10 post of "will my pisces man come back" before even daring to write mine.
I'm an aries woman and my pisces man well the
- aquas males are capable to love?
Hello everyone, im an aqua female. i have this aqua male friend and we talk almost daily unless we are busy, we flirt and we click. the thing is:
1. we have been friends for 3 years now
2. whenever he disappear he comes back. and when he is back he is
- Calling all aquas (and anyone else at this forum), what’s your love language?
Just curious what everyone’s love language is. If you don’t know what your love language is, I’ll try and find the link to post it so you can find out. Mine is doing activities together but I have to be trying new things.. not just any activity but someth
- Recurring dreams.
Began over five years ago, having to do with one person in particular. This person and I had no romance. We just talked a lot over the phone.
I dreamed I'd be talking to him on the phone. During the talks, he would be angry. As time went on, he would g
- started dating a leo man...:)
He said he doesn't want me seeing other people...hes pretty sweet..and we r going to fishing trip tomorrow ! yayyyy never been to one so I'm pretty pump about that.
i'm just curious,
how jealous or possessive does a leo man get?
do they dig out i
- Frustrating traits of star signs
Blowing Hot and Cold...Libran's do it, Pisces do it...
Which are the other signs that blow hot and cold
Enlighten me, I know very little about most signs but would enjoy a good read and some warning signs
- Help
Hi, so I have been n a relationship with this amazing Aquarius guy for over two years now, it took me a while to understand his ways as in his freedom loving etc but I have grown to accept this and give him as much space as he needs. I have to admit I hav
- Cure for baldness
To your cancer thread.
If there was a cure for baldness - who do you think would have the best hair ever? Right! Donald!
What I am saying is everyone wasting money on those fake fuckers who promising but if it was possible - would Trump
- Deciphering Natal Chart and Yods
Hey folks! I’m fairly novice with astrology and would like to familiarize myself with my natal chart. More specifically, I’m curious as to the astrological implications presented by my chart and whether any yods are present! Reading a comparability analys
- Aqua stelliums here?
Aqua sun/merc/venus
Libra moon
Sag mars
Are here any aqua stelliums or air stelliums?
Tell me, how do you feel being so air/aqua heavy?
- Leo man insight
I posted this is relationships&astrology but I think I should have come here first and get news straight from the lions den ;) lol
Anyways, I'm quite new to this site and astrology in general haha but I wanted to get some insight on this guy I'm talkin
- Is Saturn conjunct Venus really bad?
All my relationships go to shit
- DeadInside birthday thread
Apparently he’s a Capricorn or something?? Idk. But let’s wish him a happy birthday fam. It’s the right thing to do.
- If everyone said what they mean
...about break ups. Like straight in a face!
You aren’t good in bed
I don’t love you anymore
You are fat and I can’t get used to it
I found someone else
Would that make relashionships world a better place and people being happier dealing with bei
- Is there a chance he might also feel more than friendship?
I am a Libra girl and for the past eight months I have known an Aquarian man from work. At first he asked me out and we had a few dates but he quickly switched interest to someone else. He is one of those guys with a bunch of women always aft
- Should I give him more time?
I met this Cancer guy on bumble over the summer. He was so great and we hit it off on our first date. We were seeing each other for 3 months. During those times, we got to know each other. every date was amazing, he said he really likes me, that he loves
- Should I give this cancer guy more time?
met this Cancer guy on bumble over the summer. He was so great and we hit it off on our first date. We were seeing each other for 3 months. During those times, we got to know each other. every date was amazing, he said he really likes me, that he loves m