January 28, 2018
January 28, 2018 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 22.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On January 28
Topics Created On January 28, 2018
- Just heard from the Leo.
Haven’t really spoken to him much. He just randomly sent me a song (which is what he used to do everyday) this one was “When I Build My Masterpiece” by The Band (originally Bob Dylan)
It was nice to hear from him.
I have come to discover that my strength in life is to destroy other people. So what would be a LEGAL profession I could enter to destroy people's lives?
- Why doesn’t my leo open up to me?
I have a feeling that something has been bothering my leo for a few days, or maybe it’s stress. I’m dying to know since I want to help him. I hate seeing him go depressed all of a sudden. He sighs all the time, smokes way too much. I can tell something’s
- Being Denied on a Constant Basis
You would know I’m dealing with this Cancer sun man, and I believe the many squares/oppositions between the signs and the many fixed modalities in his personal planets give rise to someone who is not only mostly conflicted but also obstinate.
His Signs
- Aquarius man with Libra moon
What can I expect of this person? He’s a typical Aqua but the Libra moon is interesting
- Too impatient to not know. Smh.
I am an Aries woman with Pisces moon. He's a cancer with Virgo moon. We got together and of course I was cautious. I have 4 baby girls and I'm going through a divorce. I asked him to let us get to know each other. Of course that didn't happen. We dove in
- Whats the deal with the cancer man ugh
I am a pisces and I've been in an on off relationship with a cancer man for 7 years. We'd talk for awhile and hangout and then break communication for awhile and then get back together. over the past year we've talked and hung out often and we seem to
- Super light weight foundation?
I'm looking for a new foundation - do you have any suggestions ladies?
But it should be very light in texture, no need for heavy coverage, price doesn't matter. I would love to find a foundation which is water based and super light on the skin, almost
- Please Help Me Remember the Title of This Song
1. European singer songwriter
2. Male
3. Voice is Bass
4. Released in 1984 or around that time
5. Monotonous voice but background music is very dynamic
6. A woman's voice can be heard I think during the interlude
- Leo. Do you like drama?
Do u need drama to keep the fire burning! ? What kind of things ignite your passion?
- keeping up appearances
i read that the woman /wife/ mother Louise Turpin with David Turpin who held their 13 children at home,
wanted to keep up appreances of having a big wealthy life, a big home and many cars.
it does look like it. and looks are deceiving. Also that the
- Help with chart reading..
Can somebody help interpret my natal chart.. semi new to astrology.. been looking to dive a little deeper into my own nature to better understand myself.. I can finally focus my energy on myself now so I'm kinda on this whole self improvement trip right n
- A man's Juno.
Would a man's Juno be linked to a woman's Sun sign or Venus?
- Can someone analyze this composite chart?
First thing I noticed is that there's a huge Aqua stellium, 1st and 2nd house stelliums, and Venus square Saturn. Like does that mean its bad or?
- Virgo and his Saturn Return.
one of my friends that i have been talking about here finally contacted me.
This is the Virgo guy.
He will start his saturn return soon, next month.
I do not know if it is possible but i am very curious about his chart and saturn return peri
- Ladies, why don’t you just admit you want a relationship?!
Ok, that’s it, it frustrates me soo many girls out there are to chicken shit to admit they want a relationship with a guy when they really do. Time to put your big panties on ladies and just fucking admit it, to your love interest, to your friends and mos
- Quantum Mechanics
Any good books on this?
- Pink folks thread
Share your experience of your daily struggles of morally and ethically being inferior to rest of the humanity
- Am I pushing this Libra away?
I'll try to make this brief as possible.
I'm in a fresh relationship with a libra man (approaching 6 months). I caught him in a lie some weeks ago regarding him still hanging around his ex who he swears is just a friend now. we talked about it and I ma
- space faring race thread
ths is our thread
- Sensitive Hearing Folks Thread
So I ordered a dB meter with the full, 100% intention of getting my neighbor evicted.
Am I wrong for expecting some kind of social responsibility from my fucking neighbors?
According to city regulations, BITCH needs to keep it down to 65dB from 7AM
- James13Wicca
Love this tarot reader on Youtube!
Done my good deed for dxp in 2018.
- Big V for men. Feeling sorry...
Just wondering if men’s balls looks different after big V?
And isn’t it easier for women to tie tubes?
Always thought if men get it - he is a sub in a family.
If woman loves her man - she wouldn’t let him have it and done her tubes.
- Would enjoy some insight!
So, I’m just basically curious on how to interpret this from a friendship perspective, mainly from male sags. If a Sagittarius doesn’t ask you (as a friend) to go to events together how should I interpret that? As in he seems to ask others more and never
- Not a Scorpio man hater, but not a Scorpio man lover
I was going to respond to some poor female's question posted in the Scorpio forum questioning how the Scorpio man in her life feels about her, why he's doing this or that and what she should do. I decided I'd create a topic myself. I want to give my own