January 20, 2018
January 20, 2018 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 5.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On January 20
Topics Created On January 20, 2018
- Is this typical behavior?
I'm going to try to make this as short as possible. I met a Capricorn man online the first week of December, when we met in person the first date went very well. The 2nd date went well also and we had our first kiss. It was awesome and from that point on
- Calling all scorpios and those with placements:
What are the characteristics of yourself that you/others hate the most? How do you handle your scorpionic intense nature? Are you more emotional, sensitive, stubborn, etc? I feel like my placements all are correlated with each other. I had an argument wit
- Aqua man and Virgo woman
Is this a good match? This match confuses me.. and how do you go from dating for 3.5 months to moving in together? It makes no sense and it’s confuusing me. Is this normal for an Aquarius man to fall that head over heels in love and move in with a gf that
- Cancer chart to read
- Having feelings for a Sag Woman
I need some advice on a Sagittarius girl. When we first met each other we used to talk a lot small talk and stuff. Now every time I try to engage in small talks she say she always disliked them and and say it is pointless. She says she likes my wisdom and
- Looking for help from Libra
So I have a new relationship with my first libra man. He has Taurus moon, Venus Scorpio and I’m sun Aries, moon Scorpio, Venus Aries and cancer asc. So we are both out of long term relationships and I know he’s got a lot going on but won’t tell me any mor
- What does it mean when a pisces friend tells you you inspire "being love" type of feelings?
- Acqua guy flirting and ignoring me
I have been seeing an acquarius guy during a music class.. we kept looking at each other from distance and one day I started saying hi and noticed that he is very shy but I could see he was into me. He kept ignoring me and looking at me from dista
- Favorite THINGS
I wonder what you guys like the MOST about Pisces ? What’s ONE THING you can say you enjoy about a Pisces
- Your Favorite Decades
1. 90s
2. 10s
3. 70s
Women's Fashion
1. 20s
2. 40s
3. 60s
Men's Fashion
1. 90s
2. 00s
3. 40s
- New Blog Post: An Irony of Surprises
This is who I am.
- Aquarius Sun Libra Moon says I love you at the end of relationship?
Is this just a way of saying good bye?
- Susan Dey
the sagittarius woman who has that "wholesome" good girl feeling.
She fell in love with David Cassidy, Aries sun, Aquarius moon Virgo mars, Cancer rising.
- Your time while dating..
An Aries:
- Cancer-Scorpio Girls
Im a cancer girl and Im dating a scorpio girl who messaged me thru social media when she saw my tinder profile. When we met up, we were instantly attracted to each other and things got physical. Anyway, we continued dating and a few weeks into it we'd say
- I want to tell if this cancer man like me or not?
There is a Cancerian guy with Venus in Cancer too (mars in Virgo, moon in aquarius). I was in doubt that he liked me as he smiled a lot and stared - there is just something about the way he looks at me, I can t describe :D A week ago he started conversa
- Leo woma Taurus man
I am not very much attracted to Taurus men but I feel very attracted to this Taurus man. He is very different from other taurus males. Sometimes it feels like he is a fire sign.
I have read that taurus and leo are not very much compatible but both of us
- Scorpios are you on social media? What is your opinion about it?
Hi. I'm just curious to know what Scorpios think about social media. I have a Facebook account but I don't use it as much as before. I kinda got sick of it. Someone said Instagram is better but I feel like its the same crap! What I don't like about social
- Aries Sun / Pisces Mars
I find this combination interesting.
Aries being a fiery go-getter and Pisces being more laid back and taking things slow.
Aries is ruled by Mars and is the god of war so to have Mars in Pisces seems a bit of a contradiction.
Anyone know anyone mal
- Hypothetically speaking
what would an aqua man like in a virgo woman :?
- Condoms. Why?
If you dealing with someone and not using condoms...what does it mean?
Excluding stupidity...
I’ve never had a sex with condoms.
I just wouldn’t. It seems if you don’t trust your partner or you don’t want to get pregnant but it was my choice.
- are/were you guys in love with every girlfriend you have/had in your whole life?
because you jump from one relationship to another?
Personally, I think that men fall in love 1-2 times in their life, libras are more like women in this-so emotional...or they just can't stand loneliness....what's your view?
- Cancer Man Security Issues
Cancer Men, do you all try to secure the feelings and emotions of a woman without letting her know how you feel? Is that your way of making sure you are secure and lessen your chances of getting hurt? I love a cancer man but I keep the depth of my feeling