January 17, 2018
January 17, 2018 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 2.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On January 17
Topics Created On January 17, 2018
- DXPIL Season 3 Players Lounge
The game is simple:
*I give a real life scenario (examples: award shows, stock market, sports games, tv ratings etc)
*1 or 2 people take a guess and must take opposite answers to the scenario going agains
- Long DIstance Relationship with a Scorpio
I met a scorpio man through online dating. After a month he wanted to have a relationship with me even though I admitted I'm still married but separated and has 1 kid. Despite of the complications of my life he still wants me to be his girlfriend. He was
- Scorpio Man moving way fast! HELP!
Started talking with a Libra sun, scorpio moon, Leo Venus male, we'll call him James, 2 weeks ago. I'm a leo sun, scorpio moon, gal with Mars and Venus Libra. It's an amazing energy between us and I do feel there is a significant reason he's in my life. I
- Please help with why I haven't found long lasting love...marriage?
Can you tell from this chart at all why it is that a relationship hasn't worked out for me?
Ascendant 23:34 Scorpio Jysetha
Sun 23:37 Leo Purvaphalguni
Moon 19:10 Scorpio Jyestha
Mars 00:10 Libra Chitra
- Natal Moon in the 12th House 🌙👎
An individual with natal Moon in the 12th house is always extremely sensitive to external currents, highly intuitive and with a tendency to hide their emotions. This placement can make the individual quite vulnerable, but also bring gifts of clairvoyance.
- Cap Sun here wanting to meet more Pisces
I'm a Cap Sun/Virgo Rising/ Pisces Moon. I was curious what Pisces want in a relationship? What do you girls look for. I feel so much for Pisces Sun, yet I have not found one that is compatible for the long run. I also feel like my Venus in 4th House Sag
- Taurus man 🤔🤔🤔🤔
Ok my long distance boyfriend and I had an argument and haven't spoken in 10 days ... We have had similar arguments b4 but usually he hangs up on me ... This time I told him he always hangs up on me and he made it point to yell good-bye and yelled hang up
- Taurus man 🤔🤔🤔🤔
Ok my long distance boyfriend and I had an argument and haven't spoken in 10 days ... We have had similar arguments b4 but usually he hangs up on me ... This time I told him he always hangs up on me and he made it point to yell good-bye and yelled hang up
- Taurus man 🤔🤔🤔🤔
Ok my long distance boyfriend and I had an argument and haven't spoken in 10 days ... We have had similar arguments b4 but usually he hangs up on me ... This time I told him he always hangs up on me and he made it point to yell good-bye and yelled hang up
- Scorpio man moving WAAAAY FAST! HELP!!
Started talking with a Libra sun, scorpio moon, Leo Venus male, we'll call him James, 2 weeks ago. I'm a leo sun, scorpio moon, gal with Mars and Venus Libra. It's an amazing energy between us and I do feel there is a significant reason he's in my life. I
- Gemini and Pisces?
Iv been talking to Gemini for a while met a couple times always something to talk about but he gets moody sometimes... I got jealous and we had a mini argument but came through.. He admitted he liked me first too what's people's thoughts he seems abit bos
- Confidence builders.
What are some of your techniques to build up your self confidence? What could be used to instantly boost some one's confidence levels?
- When I'm with you
Something as simple as sitting next to you and noticing you slowly getting closer to me until your shoulder touches mine, I move closer to allow you into my space and lean in and rest my head on your shoulder.
I'm opening my heart and soul to you. 💕
- Anyone else get sleepy while trying to meditate
Because I get really sleepy when I try to mediate. I feel like maybe I'm doing it wrong...?
- I'm a Leo sun, Scorpio moon, and Sagatarius rising; please describe me!
- should i contact Scorpio man after breakup and no contact
(if you have time, that was my story: https://www.dxpnet.com/opinion/scorpio/why-he-asked-miss-me--8990070/)
Or long story short, he did the breakup in last June, then one week later he said he still like me and we can start again if I can support him.
- All men cheat?
No I don’t think this.
But was listening to a radio station this morning that talked about Hollywood news stating that The Chainsmoker’s Alex Pall (Taurus sun) cheated on his gf (I think a Cancer sun). She caught him on video after he swore up and dow
I wouldn’t date ya’ll in my dreams let alone real life but ya’ll are are definitely appealing.
That’s all I got.