September 7, 2018
September 7, 2018 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On September 7
Topics Created On September 7, 2018
- Who would you rather?
Just for fun- if you had to pick between these two people. Both equally succesful and charming.... what placements would you think you’d like more? (Just on paper, obviously)
1. Leo sun, Leo Moon, Leo Venus, Scorpio Mars.
2. Sag Sun, Pisces Moon, Sag Ve
- Sagittarius male inconsistency w/ taurus
I am a Taurus female (Leo Rising, Cancer Moon, Aries Venus) and my ex is a Sagittarius male (Gemini Moon, Scorpio Venus). We have been dating off & on for 4 years. Since he broke up with me the 2nd time we ended up being together exclusively for 1 yea
- Aries man: Naive to macho
Something I’ve noticed that is fascinating about the Aries men I’ve been seeing is how they can go from seeming super boyish.. innocent.. naive to strong, sexy, etc. the switch is instant but obvious. Is anyone else aware of this? I go from feeling like s
- Manipulations
Why is it I find every Cap backstabbing and manipulative.
- Why?
Do people like being choked or slapped during sex?
Wth is that about?
Ya'll wild
- It’s been a while...
Literally got banned 2 years ago.
Who alls still here? I think Ands is firebunny and the only other person I remember was shashkay and Don Johnson.
I’m assuming this place is still 90% trolling and sock accounts?
- How to worry less?
Does anyone have tips/advice on how to worry less? One of my biggest problems with myself is that I worry and think of issues that will happen that won't actually happen.
- i feel like i'm losing the will to live
Hi everyone...i don't think i'm depressed or anything. I just don't understand why i am alive.
i constantly feel like i am in a waiting room, instead of waiting for a train i am just waiting to die.
there doesn't seem to be a point to anything.
does anyon
- More Scorpio confusion.
Question: When a Scorpio man that you have been conversing with online for eight months, throws out the ' you are one of my best friends' line into the conversation, can we safely assume one has been friend zoned?. A redundant question I'm sure but🤔
- Which placement for a man would make him want a house wife?
I'm asking for a friend.
- TV ghost hunters/busters is it real shit?
Watching Dead Files with a client.
I know there are tons of these shows and always wondered if it’s 100% bs?
- What placements or aspects would make a guy a player or irresistible?
I was wondering what aspects do you think contribute to making a guy irresistibly attractive, charming, or a player? What are your thoughts or opinions on this? For instance, I have...
Sun in Scorpio
Pisces Ascendant
Venus Conjunct Mars
Venus Conjunct
- Stung all over
Took day off. Slept all day. About 3pm I see some huge insect on my cover and feeling something moving under my cover and while I am frigging out about what to do?...I get electricity going trough my body like I supposed of I was electrocuted if I stuck m
Im a sag, and I think I am exactly that of what sag represent. Im supportive, motivating, optimistic, encouraging, always there when someone needs me to be there.
im going through a lot right now. I have a home I owned with my ex, I don't sell the house
- Are my interpretations of these charts correct?
I'm a professional astrologer.
Yesterday (9/6/18) I asked a horary question: When will the Yellowstone supervolcano erupt next? The answer I got was 13 months, from the Moon's quincunx to Pluto in that chart (Moon in Leo in the 7th house, Pluto in Ca