September 14, 2018
September 14, 2018 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On September 14
Topics Created On September 14, 2018
- Geminis how do you like being flirted with?
What attracts you to other people? And what keeps you interested?
- Sagittarius won't let go
My Sagittarius gf and I were on the verge of breaking up after moving in together for 2 months now. It's like I didn't really know who I was dealing with. Now I'm at the point of unlearning her and relearning her. From what I see there's not much she can
- Laziest Sun-Mon combination in the entire zodiac?
Sun Taurus & Moon Leo is my zodiac sign and I often like to sleep long hours, not motivated to do much, procrastinate on purpose (sometimes months).
I loathe my Taurus and Leo combination (both luxury lovers) as the reason. What do you feel is the m
- goooood morning Gemini Gang
I feel freeeeeeeeeeeeee. The weight has been lifted. when the feelings have detached and you're unbothered because you're a MOTHA FUKIN GEMINI.. anyone else love this feeling as much as me?
- Longtime Capricorn friend (with Taurus moon) backstabbed me to steal my girl
We used to share an apartment stayed and worked together for 5 years.
He has been eyeing my girlfriend for long time and looking for a way to get in-between us for a long time. When he found out things are not so smooth between us, he decided to jump in
- Do Libra women expect the guy to chase?
Do Libra women expect the guy to chase?
This one has Cancer moon, she is tender, sweet, and has her real personality well-hidden out of sight. ;)
- Gem man likes to ignore but doesn't like being ignored...
I'm all about space myself as is my Gem guy I've been dating for about 3 months. He will go a couple days without talking to me or texting... but if I miss his phone call or text holy man look out world hahaha
Is this normal behavior?
- Dealing with Virgo Man
Hi all,
I met a virgo man who is a police office in the city that I live. We meet about three months ago because I was at the policy station file a case and he took it. We started to text each other day and night since then and our talk became more p
- Do Cancer's lie to avoid confrontation?
Do you change your story when someone gets upset about something to avoid the fight?
I'm noticing my Cancer man does this. He changes the gender of the friend to a guy or if I bring something up that bothered me he says he was joking, he didn't really do
- Good guys w/ guns
- Do you KIK?
Does Kik Messenger let you choose an email it’s running off of?
Can you change an email and how?
- What does this Libra man want? I have this Libra guy who added me on Facebook and we have chatted very few times..the thing that makes me wonder is that he just sends me messages when I post a new photo...complimenting me on my looks and how good I look...other than that whateve
- Ok...according to you all I am the bitch!
...which I don’t mind...I know I am...I just can’t stand bullshit!
And when my child was little I said NO! There is NO Santa Claus! It’s me, daddy and grandpa! Just don’t tell other kids or you’ll be in trouble...
Years later she ran home exiting that her
- No clue what to do with this girl
Hey guys,
I'm going to start this off by saying that its really bad to have a crush on a girl thats taken. Its really bad form. I don't intend on doing anything, even if she becomes single. We get along like a house on fire and I would say she is my type
- When libra man just looks for fun
Long story shot, we been texting each other for half yr and seen for few times (we live in different country) also tried to plan to go for a trip and we get along well, he wanted sex at first but I rejected but then the next time he still came out to see