September 12, 2018
September 12, 2018 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 5.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On September 12
Topics Created On September 12, 2018
- Libra Male Seeking Taurus Female
Hello, I'll try to make this short as I can.
About 4 years ago I met this Taurus woman through another friend in the group. She was a few years older and we did ok. Did not talk much, not pay each other much attention. I found out through the friend
- Venus in Scorpio combined with other placements bad?
I was looking online and found an old thread about Venus in Scorpio / mars in Leo being like something to stay away from but was not explained why too much.
I have come across one who is a virgo sun with either an Aries or pisces moon. ( don't know time
- Synchronicity and relationships
Do you believe in it? Why or why not? Do any of you have good examples of this? If so, what?
What does this mean?
- Atty Fire Bunny, officially...
First cross-examination in a criminal case this morning.
Losing case, according to my dad.
- Modern Love, Relationships, & Commitment
We used to marry till death do us part.
Today, we marry till love dies.
We used to marry and have sex for the first time.
Today, you marry and stop having sex with others.
You used to have monogamy, one person for life.
Today, monogamy, is one person
- Taurus man and I still friends after break up
Is normal for a Taurus man to want to keep you as a friend when they break up with you?
I normally block and stop talking exes, thats why I am so conflicted now. He broke up with me and told he has feelings and that hurting. But I find that so hard to be
- religion and storms
do u beleive in this?
- Scorpio guys can you explain this behavior?
I am a Pisces female in a relationship with a scorpio male.
It's the beginning of our relationship, and he already says he wishes to marry me. He seems serious about it.
However he keeps shutting me out periodically?
He will be completely normal and k
- Scorpio guys can you explain this behaviour?
I am a Pisces female in a relationship with a scorpio male.
It's the beginning of our relationship, and he already says he wishes to marry me. He seems serious about it.
However he keeps shutting me out periodically?
He will be completely normal and k
- SYNASTRY: Female Venus conjunct Male Chart Ruler - What does it mean?
Chart Ruler = Ruler of the ascendant - Mercury
- Have I just been dumped?
Oh no, guys I don’t know what just happened. Been seeing my Scorpio for five months, we went away together and then we were apart for three weeks. She came back and I had a bit of an outburst asking her why she wasn’t happy to see me. She broke up with me
- is anyone online? anybody interested in being a depression sponsor?
I really need to a third person...someone patient....please
- Serious question for Scorpio men
I hope I don't sound childlish with my question but I want some serious answers.
Will you judge a girl that openly talks to you about her sex life? She's not your girlfriend or anything, just a friend that you talk with here and there.
Will that be a red
- What the fuck is wrong with guys these days?
Situation 1: My mom's cousin is like in his late 20s, he marries this girl in her mid-20s, she's gorgeous, comes from a well off family, has a great career (she paid for her own wedding). They're both from a country where women are still mostly seen as ju
- i am looking for an accountability partner
hey GUYS
if any of you is into selfimprovement youll know that building habits is incredibly hard and making them stick is even harder
so i want to try something different, i want to work with an accountability partner. we would chat and or email sev
- *Here is a controversial Topic*
Do you think it's okay to hit children?
When I grew up I got the belt ( from dad ) a few times, the threaten to cut my hair if I was bad stuff ( from mom) on a rare ocassion a slap over the head or on wrist and my brother would play fight me and pretend