September 24, 2018
September 24, 2018 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsTopics Created On September 24, 2018
- Can we be friends?
Hi guys. Some of you read my previous posts about this Taurus who I kept crossing paths with. Well he just started seeing someone and he stated it happened kind of fast. I appreciate his honesty and respect his fairly new relationship, but i want to be fr
- Man and woman gems
Always rhought dukes up!
All of a like fireworks!
- Celebrities/personalities who don't seem like their sign...
What celebrities/famous people/personalities don't seem like their sign...
I'll go first
I'd never peg eminem (Marshall Mathers) for a libra.
I'd think possibly scorpio or sagittarius (can anyone confirm his rising?)
Also Ariana Grande ...I thought she w
- Cap sun, moon and attraction
Cap sun, moon, or Venus do you guys get attracted to younger/ older people? Any relationship experience with much older-younger people?
- Boyfriend ignoring me all the time
I’m not sure what forum to put this post into so I’m putting it here because my bf is a leo. I’ve been going through this period of no communication with him. A few hi, hello texts and a few in person hangouts BUT with friends around. I haven’t told anyon
- What placements causes aggression?
- Aquarian Moons
Why are you so ever lovin slow to act? Specifically in relationships or letting on that youre into someone. Do you ever act compulsively? Is there anything under that facade of still waters or you just playin?
- Fellow Libras... tell me about your spending habits?
I am constantly buying clothes and stuff for my apartment. Going and trying all the new restaurants in town. I cannot stick to a budget. I am sooooo stereotypical Libra when it comes to finances. How about you?! Being on a budget depresses me!!!! hahaha
- Your longest relationship?
Have you ever wondered what's the sign with which Taurus can spend a lifetime, in tranquility? I strongly believe Taurus have some clear favorites when it comes to long relationships.
What was your longest relationship, and with which zodiac?
- Libra Sun vs Libra Moon
What are the biggest differences?
- What placement represents best your source of income?
a - Venus placement
b - 2nd House
c - Moon placement
d - 8th house
e - Sun placement
- Leo has me confused
Hey maybe someone can help me out. I’m a Taurus woman who met a Leo man a few months ago. The relationship was cool sometimes. We vibed but then I would get clingy and he would get mad. This eventually led him telling me that I needed to find someone else
- Bellies
Just saw a very attractive woman of my age with a beer belly. Thought that flew trough my head...what makes some bellies as a flab of fat just hanging to the knees and other bellies be firm as a ball?
Yes. I have bigger problems...thanks for asking...
- Cancer Man and Gemini Woman... ugh hellllp meeee
I’m a lady Gemini dating a male cancer... am I just wasting my time? One minute he acts as if he adores me then acts as if he could care less if I’m in his life or not. I’m not used to this. I’m used to guys fawning over me and my bubbly personality. I’m
- What Nofap (no masturbation) Is Doing For Me
What no masturbation is doing for me, is beyond physical.
I'm not thirsty anymore.
I believe human beings are great big balls of energy.
We contain different types of energy.
Our astrological energy that guides our motives and mannerisms and drives us
- Gemini man acting careless, relationship turning toxic. Any advice?
I’ve been with my boyfriend for 6 months. Our relationship when it’s good is GREAT. But we’ve always had struggles adjusting to being together because I’m still dancing right now(exotic) and he’s kind of insecure about it even tho we’re together every da