September 11, 2018
September 11, 2018 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 22.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On September 11
Topics Created On September 11, 2018
- How do I find my thread... there way? I don’t even see Search button on my phone...thanks
- My vibrator self destructed
Soooo I have a high libido and I hide it by taking care of it myself and I go through vibrators at a decent pace but this one died in such a strange way.
I bought it last December it died last three weeks ago...was annoyed it couldn't last a year. I did
- Really?
Are you cancers really get pissy just over deleted chat messages or on hold calls?
So you can yell and curses for that? Really?
- Boom Bap Hip-Hop
The kick-snare. The lyricism. The gulliness. Please post.
- whats the best sign you've dated`?
- Suns vs moons
In my experience
Aries moons are the more "wild brash rude" stereotype than aries suns.
Cap moons are way more cold than the suns
I LOVE LEO MOONS. Equally as the suns great people, seem the same in both
Pisces moons seem way more se
- Capricorn female stalker..
they say caps r all bout go all in after their goals but all i can say is yikess
- Have you ever experienced you partrner's mars square your pluto in synastry
I'm interested in some one whose mars in Aquarius square my pluto in Scorpio.
I'm heavily scorpionic sun, moon, mercury, saturn, pluto and south node
He is aries sun and venus with mercury in pisces.
We have many positive mercuries aspects and I'm wonder
- Lessons you have learned recently - What are they ?
My Lesson -
Learning to say no to lovely gents, and potential dates. To be honest enough with myself to know that I need to be alone. To reacquaint with my single self, contentment in going on solo adventures. Realising it is better to be alone, than lo
- How important are the houses?
Would having lots of 8th house and 12th house placements lead to higher compatibility with water signs? Or having 7th house and 11th house placements lead to compatibility with air? Or am I looking at this all wrong?
- Is it a bad thing?
That I want to text this Taurus? So if you guys read my previous posts about this Taurus who our paths keep crossing then you will understand.
I texted him saturday and basically said to have a great day. He didn't text back and that was cool. But then
- Scorpio guy being manipulative or lieing?
I know that he is always online.late night over instagram but he says it by himself "now a days I'm sleeping quite early"
I was surprised why he tell lie by himself without any reason
- Aries man with Leo woman
So anyone else have good experiences with this combo?
There are definitely problems in the relationship.. we've been together 6 months now and it has been a rollercoaster. he pursued me in the beginning, he contacted me from plenty of fish because I had
- Return of the ex
Wow. So my ex leo of 12 years ago contacted me.
Calls, texts, more calls.
I didnt pick up not one phone call or respond to any texts.
He finally texted back that he wants to try agan.
Negro please.
Ironically, he contacted within days of me walking
- Leo woman sexually
Are Leo Women known to be really good at love making?
I am curious which sign for women is the most amazing, sexually.
I know astrology may not have all to do with this.. it is also skill and self esteem and a bunch of other factors so take this topic
- Cancer men are CRAZY!
This cancer man I really like is driving me insane. I met him a couple of years ago through a mutual friend. Initially we didn’t notice each other until we matched on a dating app. From there, we decided to go out on a date. He tries to take me home with
- Fellow crabs.... do you relate?
Have you ever wanted to quit your job to avoid any chance of running into someone you’re purposely trying to avoid?