September 28, 2018
September 28, 2018 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On September 28
Topics Created On September 28, 2018
- Is Pluto square Venus transit always bad?
My boyfriend will have this transit soon and I'm curious about how our relationship will play out. Can this transit have a good outcome? What are some of your experiences with this transit
- Ideal partner
What would be the ideal girl (Sun/Moon) for me, considering my placements?
Sun Cancer
Moon Scorpio
Mercury Leo
Mars Taurus
Venus Cancer
Ascendant Virgo, conjunct with Jupiter.
- Is Pluto square Venus transit always bad?
My boyfriend will have this transit soon and I'm curious about how our relationship will play out. Can this transit have a good outcome? What are some of your experiences with this transit
- Is Composite Venus trine Pluto similar to synastry?
- Why
I already kind of know the answer, which is that people generally don’t like to think negative attributes are predetermined, but that’s just a personal opinion. There are people who don’t mind the notion that a chart defines us to some extent, and those p
- Do believe Dr. Ford? Do you believe Kavanaugh?
I just watched the entire committee meeting. Without political prejudice or any comment in return (from me). I’m really curious how the general public (WHO WATCHED) feels.
- Hooking up with Taurus guy, how does he feel about me?
We (May 8, 1993 x Nov 3 1997) hooked up a couple of weeks back. Didn’t expect to see him again but he texted a week later and now we’ve slept together four times. The third time we met, he cooked for us and asked me to wash the dishes and it felt so domes
- How to comfort my leo and make him understand he's too clingy and I need A FRIGIN SPACE
virgo bish complaining
The dude I'm dating is a Leo, we live together. I dont know if it's a virgo thing, but I love some "me-time" and it's so hard to get it atm, my lil leo is following me everywhere and he wants us to do everything together.
I feel ba
- The RetiredLegendaryPoster Apprecitation Thread
no ands in the thread title
- Your Favorite Composers
1. Mozart
2. Chopin
3. Richard Carpenter
4. Ely Buendia (Filipino)
5. David Forster
6. Adam Levine
7. Pink
8. Katy Perry
9. Taylor Swift
10. Rachel Platten
- Draconic vs Natal
I created one at and having trouble reading the "aspects table". It's quite confusing. Can anyone help me with this? Thank you very much!
- How to treat a negative Libra?
Hi! I've been dating a Libra man for a year and a motnh now. Well, we've actually been living together now for the last month. I am Aqua woman. He drives me crazy rather often recently and I already regret we moved in together.. He talks a lot about himse
- A taurus sun male... in his late 20s
tells me, "Women make men suffer..." and, "it's 0.01% that women actually suffer more than men."
what ...the????
is this true for you Taurus males?
so i looked it up...
- Tips for critisicing virgos
I just had a discussion about virgo woman trying to change guys. I find this notion offensive because it imolies you dont accept us and want to change us to your preferences. But apparently you want to improve us cause you see are a few tip
- Leo man & Cancer woman
Hi, since i'm new to this idk where to post this topic so i post it in Leo Forum. i wish somebody give me a good advice :)
i'm 24 y.o cancer girl dating a 31 y.o leo man. we met in February and then 2 weeks later we're get into a relationship, idk he sai
- we're just friends
but she let me kiss her several times tonight.
what does this mean???
- Cancer player
Dear Cancers or those of you involved with a cancer man,
I have been seeing a cancer man for about 3 months now. I’m in a process of a separation with my old partner. Right after I have decided to separate for this cancer man he sent me a message which
- I'll show you mine if....
Show your full chart! :D
Sagittarius Sun
Cancer Rising
Leo Moon
Aquarius Venus
Scorpio Mars
Cancer Jupiter
Capricorn Mercury
Capicorn Saturan
Capicorn Uranus
Capicorn Neptune
Scorpio Pluto
- has anybody of you appeared in a reality show?
next question, which dxper would you want to see in one?
- 3rd House Stellium and Life Purpose
I have a 3rd house stellium in my Sun, Mercury and Mars. My Neptune and Uranus are also in that house.
From what I've read so far, 3rd house is apparently good for writing and speaking. I am a good writer and have always enjoyed reading growing up, but
- Depressed Pisces? Please help me help my brother..
Hi all, my older brother (25) is a Pisces. 2 years ago my dad passed away and it really hit my brother since he’s the eldest and had to be the man of the house. He dropped out of school (he always hated school and did poorly). Luckily, our family is good
- Intuition maybe?
How is that every time I'm talking to another guy a guy I haven't heard from texts me?
- Sleeping as a hobby...
Don’t get excited I am talking sleeping...alone. In bed.
Since I remember myself I loved to sleep. That was before Internet. Now I love laying in bed talking to people, than take a nap...go to bed...
I don’t know anybody like me except my Mom and she is
- Leo man running from intimacy
So I’ve previous posted about this Leo I’m still dealing with. It’s being a good 5-6 months of ups and downs with some struggles. We’ve had a period of time where communication stopped because he wasnt expressing himself but when I sent him a text express