September 21, 2018
September 21, 2018 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 5.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On September 21
Topics Created On September 21, 2018
- LEO man...idk what to do with
As much as I would like to make this a long story short it's hard..... it will be a month since me and my Leo broke up.... I said some hurtful things to him during an argument and kicked him out the house and told him i was done , it was all out of anger
- Looking for advise regarding my Virgo guy
So I had been getting advise from @GemCurio regarding my virgo guy and he was able to help me understand my Virgo but it seems @GemCurio is MIA and no longer on DXP? 🙁 Like another post by @imascropio10 i have a question regarding my Virgo's bday. I hav
- Libra in Venus
I recently met a Mars in Scorpio and Venus in Libra. Her sun is in Virgo and moon. She seemes like a super interesting person. Purely on a curiosity basis. Does anyone have s similar mars and venus combo? I've read the stuff on google over time. You guys
- My first time dating a Taurus
Hey fellow Taureans! So today I went on a date with a guy who’s a Taurus. So far I’ve had serious relationships with Virgos and a Scorpio but never Taurus. I hear Cappies and them can make a great pair. I liked his confidence. But one thing that I know fo
- Tax in the U.S.
I think the way tax is calculated in the U.S. is designed to keep taxpayers confused and under constant disillusionment.
I dont see how a sticker price of $4999 can after taxes & fees, cost a total of $7500. The price of anything you buy should be cal
- Most superb musical genre
My list:
1. Jazz
2. Bossa Nova
3. Classical
4. Blues
5. RnB
6. Alternative Rock
What's on your list?
- Cap on Cap past experiences
Share your experiences. What was the relationship like? What caused the break-up? Any regrets? Something you wish you had done differently
- genius?
is it worth knowing if you're a genius?
- what's your favorite city and why?
- scorpio virgo
i am
sun in scorpio, venus in scorpio, mars in gemni, Mercury in scorpio, moon in Aquarius, pluto in scorpio
she is a virgo i dont know more about her various houses.
any suggestions??
she never talk to me first, i need to start every-time , only compr
- how to get rid off female Pisces..
they r the vain of my existence n guilt trippin u after breakin up
- What should I do tonight?! A. or B.
A. Keep a dinner and concert date with the Gemini. (Tix were free.)
B. Goto my casual friends going away/ Bday party. She rented out a bar and all my friends will be there.
I would have to cancel on Gemini and I feel awful....
I over booked myself as
- Kimonos, Wraps, Cover-Ups, Capes, Frocks, etc.
I’m a Capricorn Ascendant - I love them! They make me feel like a Queen. I like them to drag the floor. I like mine long. They are good hip and dunk covers. Got a party dress, too short, revealing? Slap on a Kimono and its peak-a-boo time. In the mi
- spanish mestiza with very expressive eyes
i have only dated women who are known to me or at least have had brief conversations with me, and women who chased me.
i haven't tried dating a chick who's a complete stranger.
earlier this evening, though, i saw a girl for the first time. she's splendi
- how to attract a virgo man back??
So long story short i wanna get my virgo man back but i have no idea how, we do not frequent the same places and hang out with the same people so we basically never see each other and he never posts anything on social media except for food so i know nothi
- How can i get my LEO man back
Would someone be willing to hear my story and give me some insight...... message me or anything.. thanks
- Gaslighting
I just realized how frequently I'm seen as a target to be gaslighted and stuff IRL, do any of you experience this and if so how do you prevent/cope with it?
For reference, to gaslight means that someone is repeatedly telling a certain thing towards you f
- Aries/Cap communication
I’m aware that square sun vibrations often turn to dumpster fire, but... here I am.
I’m particularly curious on how Rams and Goats do in communication department? Aries Merc is in Aries, and Capricorn Merc is in Capricorn respectively.
What are slme thi
- examples of deep-set spanish eyes...
1. Queen Letizia
2. Penelope Cruz
3. Isabel Granada
- Mars 1st House - Sex Symbol?
As Mars rules sex, attraction and the 1st house is the self, would this placement indicate someone who is a sex symbol/personification of that sign?
- Open letter to the one who lied
I did not ask you to come into my life
“Here’s to us...”
Your goddamn lies!
You’re one day nectar
Your one day rye
Your one day high
The next day cry
Why did I let you into my zone?
I was totally fine with being alone
I was totally fine in my own happy