September 13, 2018
September 13, 2018 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 6.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On September 13
Topics Created On September 13, 2018
- Can a Leo/Virgo cusp Fall in love with a Scorpio
I have been dating a guy his birthday is August 26 th, 1967
Sun: Virgo 2 degrees
Moon: Taurus
Mercury: Virgo
Venus: Virgo
Mars: Scorpio
I have dated in the past and have friends that are Virgos. Never had any problems with them..They say Virgos take fo
- Dumped by my Pisces today...
I’m in total shock... we’ve been dating 4 years and living together 2yrs. Out of the blue today he told me he wanted to move out. We had planned to spend today together working on home projects since we are both off. I don’t understand what’s going on...
- Can someone tell me how you write under your name on your Avatar?
Sorry but I don't know how to do this. Under your name people write something like where they're from, their age or sign.
I've tried searching.
Can you tell me step by step where I go to write under?
- Abandoned animals that became your pets
So about a year and a half ago, I was at a gas station parking lot filling up my tank.
I heard a ton of yowling from a nearby trash can. After putting the fuel hose back, I went over to see what the yowling was all about. I found this cute kitten sitti
- Scorpios, do you take a long time to commit?
- Nicki vs. Cardi....Sag vs.Libra...
Who do you got?
- They said ‘I love you’...
And you don’t feel the same... you don’t see a future in the relationship.
So what do you do?
Break up?
Pretend you didn’t hear it?
- Is he even interested?
Hi guys, this is my first post. I'm so glad to have found this forum. I'm a recently separated woman who has been talking to a Taurus man for a couple of months now. We're both 39 years old and in the same large social circle but have never really comm
- Ladies: what male quirks have you learned to put up with
- Ask a Virgo woman
Jk...I won't answer 😜
- Not sure...
My Taurus and I have been trying to work things out....we went to counseling and even got a place together.
I must admit that I ( the cancer) struggled with letting go of the past and caused a few blow ups...
But lately I am starting to feel almost para
- Gym Rat Placements
My 2 cents
For males: Aries, Virgo, Cancer and Scorpio
Females: Gemini, Libra, Scorpio and Pisces
- Dungeons and Dragons
I need someone to draw me a character. I’m supposed to be a tiefling with pink skin, dark blue hair, and gold eyes.
- Scorpio ex blocked his family and returns another girls clothes to me.
I’m going to try and make this short.
We dated 6 months
He persued me
I’m his cousins best friend.
I know his whole family and everything was perfect.
We expressed we loved each other, wanted to get married and have kids.
He’s been depressed lately
- Am I unfriendly and push people away?
so all my life i thought that i was nice. Since teenage years i was very energetic and etc, i was centre of attention- didnt know why. Later on, at my university i needed to focus on work and studies and my Aries Aura with leo ascendant just faded