February 6, 2020
February 6, 2020 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On February 6
Topics Created On February 6, 2020
- *A Quiet Place' 2
I can not wait to see this! Who saw part one? What movie are you excited to see? 👀
- Taurus Ex Wants To Talk In Person
Called me up 3x on her vacation, sending me selfies and photos of the resort.
Refuses to talk but called on her last night in Cuba tonight. Says the next time she talks to me it will be in person. I asked when and she would not answer.
- Ideal Relationship for Each Zodiac Sign?
Based on the chemistry and personality types of all the zodiac signs, which types of relationships are ideal for each one? For example, starting with Aries:
Aries with
Aries: Bad Influences
Taurus: FWB
Gemini: Debators/Conversationalists
Cancer: Acquain
- What’s the most cliche zodiac trait you have ?
Are you a Scorpio and super vengeful? Lol. & if not what’s the least cliche trait you have regarding your sign?
I’m an aqua & I love helping ppl. I’m true humanitarian and I always root for the underdog.
My least is that I’m detached or don’t e
- Venus in Pisces in the 12th house
I know Venus in the 12th house normally falls for unrequited situations . In your opinion if love is reciprocated do you get turned off? I think I just met my dream man and I wanna dive into him but I’m afraid to do that which silly and stupid and I kno
- Kegal Excercises
Does anyone do them regularly? Have you noticed a difference? Has your man? Do you use Yoni eggs? How long do you do them for?
I do them occasionally and I have the eggs that I do when I remember. There isn't a whole lot of instruction on the internet
- I’m just venting....
It’s been two years since I’ve been trying to tell someone I have a crush on them but I can’t seem to do it. I think too much about it and then I just become distant , aloof...and I might seem uninterested.
I think he has noticed it this week and has
- best friends who are coworkers
are workplace bullies, how do I destroy them? they’re the type of tag team who wear matching outfits outside of work
- People who threaten to hurt themselves if you leave them
Why do people do this? And how do you diffuse the situation when they pull it on you?
- How well can a Capricoen act?
Im asking this because i think i hurt him but I cannot detect sadness or a feeling of being hurt.
Its not that i want to hurt him per se, but i think i sting him a lot.
I want to know how to navigate through him to make it up.
- Thoughts?
Let’s say you have a family member - specifically your grandfather - who has chosen to be a miserable pile of shit his entire life and alienated himself from his family (including his grandchildren and great-grandchildren who have done nothing to him) des