February 23, 2020
February 23, 2020 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 11.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On February 23
Topics Created On February 23, 2020
- end of friendship after rejection?
I asked my cap co-worker out on a date after being friends with her for like a year and after the rejection she's been having trouble being, well "normal" and she does this hot/cold thing for about 4 months now instead of being the consistently warm perso
- Song-Association
Just like word association...let's get a song associations goin!
May be fun! Let's see!
My random first start to this.. maybe it'll be a fun game? Idk lol
- Hmm
I'm more stable, like rock-sold-stable, more productive and get a lot of stuff done.
- Social statuses in relationships
I think people subconsciously and ideally want to be with someone of a similar social status as them or higher. The elder generations were kind of hell-bent on it. I see the newer generations ignore it but pick back up on it as they get older. Where do y'
- Limiting possibilities due to their sign
Do you do this?
I’m finally getting the idea of no Cardinals.. common issue keeps cropping up, and I’m a little over it.
- He's not texting and im not texting him too..
I have this colleague at work, i know him from work for almost a year already, but its just recently (Feb 1.) that we started to actually talking to each other, he asked my female colleague about my number and then we started chatting. Everything was goin