February 11, 2020
February 11, 2020 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On February 11
Topics Created On February 11, 2020
- Male Libra / Female Libra Compatibility
So I know that technically we would work together but given the birthdays M: Oct 17 / F: Oct 19, are they very compatible or somewhat?
I do see some differences but not major. i.e. types of humor we like isn't the same.
- Delusional Piscean tarot reader
Too lazy to create drama at her face so I write it here,
So around my workplace neighborhood, a complex area which has stores in it, I noticed there was this particular store that offer tarot reading. Despite being interested, I've never checked it out.
- Happy valentines
if u got questions on how to get a taurus/want to get your Taurus back , and as a taurus myself w dat giant Great Wall of China’s diiick (minus the coronavirus duhh), and havin that bigger than life cooock as well as hated more than Donald trump as a pres
- Taurus and their exes
I know Taurus can sometimes keep exes around but I’m wondering to what extent?
If you don’t tell your partner or are deleting msgs/using some special app to talk to them you clearly are not over them so why would you still not just get back together wit
- Cancer female, is this final?
Hi to the group. I'm an Aries female and have been with my cancer gf for two and a half years. I ended it with her recently for the first time when i got upset by something and instead of calming down and taking it through i made a impulse move which i la
- The Moon in Astrology | What Your Moon Sign Means | All signs explained
- Leo dating an Aries woman
Hey everyone I need help I’m extremely confused, so I’m a Leo born July 23 I’m 21 I have been I don’t even wanna say dating because she tells me clearly she’s just my friend even though I tell her she’s my girl, so basically we met through Instagram I was
- Blue Collar Millionaire - a perfect
I just found a tv series about blue collar entrepreneurs, who became millionaire not wearing suits and unusual business ideas. Enjoy!!!
- What to make of it all
Thank you in advance for any comments on this topic.
My situation is the following:
My wife of 2 months is exhibiting a behavior that I question, but am not sure if it's an issue on my part.
There have been 2 scenarios that have created some frustratio
- Leo man and this Aries woman ghosts me
We’ve been talking for about a month but she kind of randomly ghosts me it makes no sense like we went out to eat and what not I bought her food and for her kid then she will randomly ghost me makes no sense don’t know why? The longest she ghosted me was