February 8, 2020
February 8, 2020 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 5.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsTopics Created On February 8, 2020
- What's the most virgo thing you do???
I love to read manuals well I take a dump.. it relaxes me... That is all
- Could any male libras give me some insight please?
Im finding hard to tell if this Libra guy likes me or he’s just being friendly.
I read here that they flirt a lot with everyone not only with people they are attracted to.
He does things that most guys would do when they like a girl, but because of his
- How to know if cancer man in sincere after they cheated?
I posted a topic here before about Scorpio and cancer break up. Well, so many things happened after just a month. I found out that my cancer man seeing another woman right after we broke up. I become obsessively asking him about the new woman. he denies i
- Aquarius Man and Saggie Women
Where on the good green earth is information on Aquarius and Sag connections!? What are people in these both romantic and causal at? I'm really trying to see if the casual relationship is code for Aquarius, not interest or invested. Thanks!
- Why are females so freaking difficult to be friends with
I've always been introverted so I've always kept around only a few close friends at a time. One of them used to be my best friend since middle school. I've seen her go through all her phases, the ugly, religious, popular, fancy, slutty, etc you name it an
- Politely ask him to go down...
Its not that he won’t
I just typically skip foreplay
And now we just have a pattern if penetration and go
I can just ask, but I always feel bad... like if he wanted he just would... my ex libra and the pisces LOVED doing it to me... maybe it’s not reall