February 18, 2020
February 18, 2020 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 6.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On February 18
Topics Created On February 18, 2020
- Shahs of Sunset
Reza and MJ are both Leo Suns/ Scorpio moons.
It's going to be interesting if they can repair their friendship after all the chaos.
Also, I think Nema is so cute. π
- A Night(s) at the Opera #6: Guiding Light
I'm just gonna keep amusing myself on the TV board so next up, GL
- Aquarius ex boyfriend
So, long story short I'm a 23 YO Pisces with an 32 year old Aqua ex wondering how it ended and if we're truly done. We dated for roughly 9 months and it was a ton of fun in the beginning. He's different than most other guys-smart, charming, witty, confide
- βοΈHappy Birthday Dreamy88βοΈ
Wishing you a great day @Dreamy88
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Let me know if you'd like me to pull a card for you?
- Interpretate This Dream (part 1)
This is not my dream this was some I know was talking to me about it a few weeks ago. Figure I'd through is out there it is one of 3. All post the other 2 at a later time.
(Words of the person speaking in the dream)
Have you ever wondered, what final tho
- Strange and curios Videos
- How is This Dishonest?
I was having a discussion with a female co-worker about health and since I am in my late 30's I have to be more diligent in my regards to that.
She was shocked to find I was in my late 30's as according to her I look more like I am in my late 20s. She